Berkeley DB Message Reference Guide

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Table of Contents

Stripped Libraries
Localized Libraries
Message Organization
Access Methods Messages
External File Messages
Common Messages
Database Handle Messages
Environment Handle Messages
Locking Subsystem Messages
Logging Subsystem Messages
Memory Pool Messages
Replication Messages
Sequences Messages
Transaction Messages
Command Line Utilities Messages


By default, Berkeley DB messages (error and informational) include both a message number and message text. The message number uses a BDB prefix, followed by a unique 4-digit number. The message text provides contextual information about the message.

When you build Berkeley DB, it is possible to remove the message text so as to minimize the library's footprint on devices where memory and storage are severely constrained. This is called a stripped library. It is also possible to add internationalization/localization support to the library. This is called a localized library.

Stripped Libraries

How you strip error messages from your library depends on the platform you are building on. For *nix platforms, you do this when you configure your build using the --enable-stripped_messages configuration option. Your messages will also be stripped if you configure for small builds.

For Windows, you can enable stripped messages using the HAVE_STRIPPED_MESSAGES build property. Your messages will also be stripped if you build a small memory footprint library.

Stripped libraries still issue error messages, but the only thing displayed is the error number — the text of the message is not available for the library to display. This document provides the missing error message text.

Localized Libraries

To support globalization, you must provide a localization function that translate message, as well as translation files used to map default messages to the localized text. You then must provide the proper flags at library build time to indicate that you have added localization to the library. An overview of this process is described in Globalization Support in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide.

Message Organization

Message text is organized into tables, where each table identifies a specific portion of the library. Each such table is then sorted by message number.

The areas of the library which can issue messages are:

  • Access method. These are error messages related to usage of the various access methods (Btree, Heap, Queue, and so forth).

  • External File messages. These are error messages related to usage of external file (large object) methods.

  • Common error messages. These are messages that can be commonly issued by any area of the library.

  • Database error messages. These are error messages related to the usage of database handles.

  • Environment error messages. These are error messages related to the usage of environment handles.

  • Locking subsystem error messages.

  • Logging subsystem error messages.

  • Memory pool error messages.

  • Replication error messages. These error messages are issued by methods specific to either Base API or Replication Manager applications.

  • Sequences error messages.

  • Transactions error messages.

  • Command line utility error messages.

Access Methods Messages

Message Number Message Text
0563 Page %lu: entries listing %lu overlaps data
0569 Page %lu: unsorted duplicate set in sorted-dup database
0692 Both cursors must be initialized before calling DBC->cmp.
1001 illegal record number size
1002 illegal record number of 0
1003 %s: write failed to backing file
1004 Existing data sorts differently from put data
1005 cursor adjustment after delete failed
1006 prefix comparison may not be specified for default comparison routine
1007 bt_minkey value of %lu too high for page size of %lu
1008 %s: btree version %lu requires a version upgrade
1009 %s: unsupported btree version: %lu
1010 %s: %s specified to open method but not set in database
1014 %s: multiple databases specified but not supported by file
1015 %s: duplicate sort specified but not supported in database
1016 %s: compresssion specified to open method but not set in database
1017 %s: compression support has not been compiled in
1018 open method type is Btree, database type is Recno
1019 open method type is Recno, database type is Btree
1020 Not enough room in parent: %s: page %lu
1021 Too many btree levels: %d
1022 Unknown record format, page %lu, indx 0
1023 Compact cannot handle zero length key
1024 DB_RECNUM cannot be used with compression
1025 DB_DUP cannot be used with compression without DB_DUPSORT
1027 compression cannot be used with DB_RECNUM
1028 compression cannot be used with DB_DUP without DB_DUPSORT
1029 to enable compression you need to supply both function arguments
1031 minimum bt_minkey value is 2
1034 Page %lu: nonsensical bt_minkey value %lu on metadata page
1035 Page %lu: nonsensical root page %lu on metadata page
1036 Page %lu: Btree metadata page has both duplicates and multiple databases
1037 Page %lu: Btree metadata page illegally has both recnums and dups
1038 Page %lu: metadata page has renumber flag set but is not recno
1039 Page %lu: Btree metadata page illegally has both recnums and compression
1040 Page %lu: Btree metadata page illegally has both unsorted duplicates and compression
1041 Page %lu: recno metadata page specifies duplicates
1042 Page %lu: re_len of %lu in non-fixed-length database
1043 Page %lu: Recno database has dups
1044 Page %lu: nonsensical type for item %lu
1045 Page %lu: item order check unsafe: skipping
1047 Page %lu: bad offset %lu at index %lu
1048 Page %lu: RINTERNAL structure at offset %lu referenced twice
1049 Page %lu: gap between items at offset %lu
1050 Page %lu: bad HOFFSET %lu, appears to be %lu
1051 Page %lu: duplicated item %lu
1053 Page %lu: item %lu marked deleted
1054 Page %lu: duplicate page referenced by internal btree page at item %lu
1055 Page %lu: duplicate page referenced by recno page at item %lu
1056 Page %lu: impossible tlen %lu, item %lu
1057 Page %lu: offpage item %lu has bad pgno %lu
1058 Page %lu: item %lu of invalid type %lu
1060 Page %lu: offset %lu unaligned
1061 Page %lu: overlapping items at offset %lu
1064 Page %lu: lowest key on internal page of nonzero length
1065 Page %lu: error %lu in fetching overflow item %lu
1066 Page %lu: out-of-order key at entry %lu
1067 Page %lu: non-dup dup key at entry %lu
1068 Page %lu: database with no duplicates has duplicated keys
1069 Page %lu: btree metadata page observed twice
1070 Page %lu: btree metadata page has no root
1071 Page %lu: recno database has bad re_len %lu
1072 Page %lu: duplicate tree referenced from metadata page
1073 Page %lu: btree root of incorrect type %lu on metadata page
1074 Page %lu: unexpected page type %lu found in leaf chain (expected %lu)
1075 Page %lu: incorrect next_pgno %lu found in leaf chain (should be %lu)
1076 Page %lu: incorrect prev_pgno %lu found in leaf chain (should be %lu)
1077 Page %lu: recno leaf page non-recno tree
1078 Page %lu: non-recno leaf page in recno tree
1079 Page %lu: duplicates in non-dup btree
1081 Page %lu: btree or recno page is of inappropriate type %lu
1082 Page %lu: recno page returned bad re_len %lu
1083 Page %lu: record count incorrect: actual %lu, in record %lu
1084 Page %lu: recno level incorrect: got %lu, expected %lu
1085 Page %lu: overflow page %lu referenced more than twice from internal page
1086 Page %lu: item %lu has incorrect record count of %lu, should be %lu
1087 Page %lu: Btree level incorrect: got %lu, expected %lu
1088 Page %lu: internal page is empty and should not be
1089 Page %lu: bad record count: has %lu records, claims %lu
1090 Page %lu: linked twice
1091 Page %lu: unterminated leaf chain
1092 Page %lu: first item on page sorted greater than parent entry
1093 Page %lu: first item on page had comparison error
1094 Page %lu: last item on page sorted greater than parent entry
1095 Page %lu: last item on page had comparison error
1096 Page %lu: database has custom hash function; reverify with DB_NOORDERCHK set
1097 Page %lu: Impossible max_bucket %lu on meta page
1098 Page %lu: incorrect high_mask %lu, should be %lu
1099 Page %lu: incorrect low_mask %lu, should be %lu
1100 Page %lu: suspiciously high nelem of %lu
1101 Page %lu: spares array entry %d is invalid
1102 Page %lu: item %lu is out of order or nonsensical
1103 Page %lu: entries array collided with data
1104 Page %lu: hash key stored as duplicate item %lu
1105 Page %lu: duplicate item %lu has bad length
1106 Page %lu: duplicate item %lu has two different lengths
1108 Page %lu: offpage item %lu has bad page number
1109 Page %lu: item %u has bad type
1110 Page %lu: Hash meta page referenced twice
1111 Page %lu: hash bucket %lu maps to non-hash page
1112 Page %lu: non-empty page in unused hash bucket %lu
1113 Page %lu: above max_bucket referenced
1114 Page %lu: impossible first page in bucket %lu
1115 Page %lu: first page in hash bucket %lu has a prev_pgno
1116 Page %lu: hash page referenced twice
1117 Page %lu: duplicates present in non-duplicate database
1118 Page %lu: unsorted dups in sorted-dup database
1119 Page %lu: hash page has bad next_pgno
1120 Page %lu: hash page has bad prev_pgno
1121 Page %lu: item %lu hashes incorrectly
1122 Invalid flag in __ham_curadj_recover
1123 Cannot replicate prepared transactions from master running release 4.2.
1124 %s: Invalid hash meta page %lu
1125 %s: hash version %lu requires a version upgrade
1126 %s: unsupported hash version: %lu
1128 %s: multiple databases specified but not supported in file
1129 %s: duplicate sort function specified but not set in database
1130 H_NOMORE returned to __hamc_get
1132 Attempt to return a deleted item
1133 library build did not include support for the Hash access method
1134 Extent size may not be specified for in-memory queue database
1135 Multiversion queue databases are not supported
1136 __qam_open: %s: unexpected file type or format
1137 %s: queue version %lu requires a version upgrade
1138 %s: unsupported qam version: %lu
1139 Record size of %lu too large for page size of %lu
1140 Extent size must be at least 1
1141 Queue does not support multiple databases per file
1142 Record length error: data offset plus length larger than record size of %lu
1145 library build did not include support for the Queue access method
1146 Page %lu: queue databases must be one-per-file
1147 Page %lu: queue record length %lu too high for page size and recs/page
1148 Page %lu: database contains multiple Queue metadata pages
1149 Warning: %d extra extent files found
1150 Page %lu: queue record %lu extends past end of page
1151 Page %lu: queue record %lu has bad flags (%#lx)
1152 Page %lu: queue database has no meta page
1153 Page %lu: queue database page of incorrect type %lu
1155 %s: specified heap size does not match size set in database
1156 Page %lu: Heap databases must be one-per-file
1157 Page %lu: Number of heap regions incorrect
1158 Page %lu: last_pgno beyond end of fixed size heap
1159 Page %lu: incorrect number of entries in page's offset table
1160 Page %lu: record %lu (length %lu) overlaps next record
1161 Page %lu: record %lu (length %lu) beyond end of page
1162 Page %lu: heap database has no meta page
1163 Page %lu: heap database page of incorrect type %lu
1164 Page %lu: heap database missing region page (page type %lu)
1165 Page %lu: record %lu has invalid flags
1166 Page %lu heap database page beyond high page in region
1167 Incorrect record size in header: %s: rid %lu.%lu
1168 region size may not be 0
1169 region size may not be larger than %lu
1170 The key/data pairs in the buffer are not sorted.
1172 The DBT items in the buffer are not sorted
1173 Page %lu: external file id overflow.
1175 Page %lu: external file size value has overflowed
1177 Page %lu: invalid external file dir id %lld at item %lu
1179 Page %lu: external file subdatabase id overflow.
1184 Page %lu: invalid external file dir ids %lld %lld at item %lu
1185 External file key.
1186 Error - found an external file in a duplicate data set.
1189 Page %lu: external file item in internal btree page at item %lu
1190 Page %lu: external file item referenced by recno page at item %lu
1192 Page %lu: external file size value has overflowed at item %lu
1195 Page %lu: invalid external dir ids %lld %lld at item %lu
1196 Page %lu: bad length %u in B_OVERFLOW item %lu
1197 Page %lu: External file found in key item %lu
1198 compression cannot be used with external files.
1199 %s: external files require 64 integer compiler support.
1200 Page %lu: external files require 64 integer compiler support.
1207 %s: databases that support external files must be upgraded.
1210 Page %lu: items dont begin immediately after the free area
1211 Page %lu: offset (%u) at external file item %u has overflowed
1212 Page %lu: offset (%u) at offpage item %u has overflowed
1213 Page %lu: offset (%u) at offpage duplicate item %u has overflowed
1214 Page %lu: the number of records per page %lu is bad
1215 Page %lu: invalid page type %u for %s database
1216 Page %lu: invalid external file id %lld at item %lu
5503 Page %lu: invalid external file id.
5504 Page %lu: invalid external file subdatabase id.
5508 Page %lu: invalid offset.
5537 Invalid record length of 0.
5538 Invalid first_recno value of 0.
5539 Invalid cur_recno value of 0.

External File Messages

Message Number Message Text
0211 Error, cursor does not point to an external file.
0212 Error, do not use DB_DBT_PARTIAL with DB_STREAM.
0213 Error, external file is read only.
0215 Error, invalid offset value: %lld
0216 Error, this write would exceed the maximum external file size: %lu %lld
0217 library build did not include support for external files
0221 Error creating external file directory.
0222 Page %lu: Error getting path to external file for %llu
0224 Page %lu: external file does not exist at %s
0225 Page %lu: Error opening external file at %s
0226 Page %lu: Error getting external file size at %s
0227 Page %lu: external file size does not match size in database record: %llu %llu
0228 Error creating external file: %llu.
0229 Failed to construct path for external file %llu.
0230 Failed to remove external file while deleting: %s.
0231 Failed to get path to external file: %llu.
0232 Error opening external file: %s.
0233 Error reading external file.
0235 Error writing external file: %s.
0246 External file id integer overflow.

Common Messages

Message Number Message Text
0001 fcntl(F_SETFD)
0002 __fop_file_setup: Retry limit (%d) exceeded
0003 Transactional create on replication client disallowed
0004 fop_read_meta: %s: unexpected file type or format
0005 rename: file %s exists
0008 fileops: mmap %s
0009 fileops: munmap
0013 fileops: mkdir %s
0015 fileops: read %s: %lu bytes
0017 fileops: write %s: %lu bytes
0018 write: %#lx, %lu
0020 fileops: fcntls %s %s offset %lu
0021 fileops: truncate %s to %lu
0023 fileops: flush %s
0025 fileops: open %s
0027 %s: buffer too small to hold environment variable %s
0028 fileops: unlink %s
0033 fileops: stat %s
0036 fileops: rename %s to %s
0038 fileops: seek %s to %lu
0039 seek: %lu: (%lu * %lu) + %lu
0040 Encrypted environment: library build did not include cryptography support
0041 unsupported byte order, only big and little-endian supported
0042 %s: Invalid numeric argument
0044 %s: Less than minimum value (%lu)
0046 %s: Greater than maximum value (%lu)
0054 illegal flag combination specified to %s
0055 illegal flag specified to %s
0056 %s: DB_READ_COMMITTED, DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED and DB_RMW require locking
0057 unable to create/retrieve page %lu
0058 page %lu: illegal page type or format
0059 assert failure: %s/%d: "%s"
0060 PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
0061 PANIC
0062 Successful return: 0
0063 DB_BUFFER_SMALL: User memory too small for return value
0064 DB_DONOTINDEX: Secondary index callback returns null
0065 DB_FOREIGN_CONFLICT: A foreign database constraint has been violated
0066 DB_KEYEMPTY: Non-existent key/data pair
0067 DB_KEYEXIST: Key/data pair already exists
0068 DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK: Locker killed to resolve a deadlock
0069 DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED: Lock not granted
0070 DB_LOG_BUFFER_FULL: In-memory log buffer is full
0071 DB_LOG_VERIFY_BAD: Log verification failed
0073 DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found
0074 DB_OLDVERSION: Database requires a version upgrade
0075 DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND: Requested page not found
0076 DB_REP_DUPMASTER: A second master site appeared
0077 DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD: Handle is no longer valid
0078 DB_REP_HOLDELECTION: Need to hold an election
0079 DB_REP_IGNORE: Replication record/operation ignored
0080 DB_REP_ISPERM: Permanent record written
0081 DB_REP_JOIN_FAILURE: Unable to join replication group
0082 DB_REP_LEASE_EXPIRED: Replication leases have expired
0083 DB_REP_LOCKOUT: Waiting for replication recovery to complete
0084 DB_REP_NEWSITE: A new site has entered the system
0085 DB_REP_NOTPERM: Permanent log record not written
0086 DB_REP_UNAVAIL: Too few remote sites to complete operation
0087 DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
0088 DB_SECONDARY_BAD: Secondary index inconsistent with primary
0089 DB_TIMEOUT: Operation timed out
0090 DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed
0091 DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
0092 Unknown error: %d
0093 %s: Unknown flag: %#x
0094 %s: Unexpected database type: %s
0095 %s: Unexpected code path error
0096 Read-only transaction cannot be used for an update
0097 Transaction not specified for a transactional database
0098 Transaction specified for a non-transactional database
0099 Operation forbidden while secondary index is being created
0100 Transaction and database from different environments
0101 Transaction that opened the DB handle is still active
0102 %s%sprevious transaction deadlock return not resolved
0103 DB environment not configured for transactions
0104 %lu larger than database's maximum record length %lu
0105 Record length error: replacement length %lu differs from replaced length %lu
0106 dbc_logging: Client update
0107 Dbc_logging: Master non-txn update
0108 Rep: flags 0x%lx msg_th %lu
0109 Rep: handle %lu, opcnt %lu
0110 Log sequence error: page LSN %lu %lu; previous LSN %lu %lu
0111 %s: attempt to modify a read-only database
0113 Thread/process %s failed: %s
0114 architecture does not support locks inside system shared memory
0115 no base system shared memory ID specified
0116 shmget: key: %ld: shared system memory region already exists
0117 shmget: key: %ld: unable to create shared system memory region
0118 shmat: id %d: unable to attach to shared system memory region
0119 shmctl/SHM_LOCK: id %d: unable to lock down shared memory region
0120 architecture lacks mmap(2), shared environments not possible
0121 shmdt
0122 shmctl: id %d: unable to delete system shared memory region
0123 munmap
0126 mmap
0127 mlock
0128 architecture doesn't support environments in system memory
0130 fileops: read %s: %lu bytes at offset %lu
0131 fileops: write %s: %lu bytes at offset %lu
0133 read: %#lx, %lu
0139 fcntl
0140 advisory file locking unavailable
0142 ftruncate: %lu
0143 malloc: %lu
0144 user-specified malloc function returned NULL
0145 realloc: %lu
0146 User-specified realloc function returned NULL
0149 Guard byte incorrect during free
0151 fsync
0153 %s(%u): host lookup failed: %d
0158 stat: %s
0159 fileops: directory list %s
0161 unlink: %s
0163 fileops: close %s
0164 close
0166 fstat
0167 select
0169 rename %s %s
0172 Joining non-encrypted environment with encryption key
0173 Encryption algorithm not supplied
0174 Encrypted environment: no encryption key supplied
0175 Invalid password
0176 Environment encrypted using a different algorithm
0177 No cipher structure given
0178 Encrypted database: no encryption flag specified
0179 Database encrypted using a different algorithm
0181 Unencrypted database with a supplied encryption key
0182 IPP AES NULL pointer error
0183 IPP AES length error
0184 IPP AES context does not match operation
0185 IPP AES srclen size error
0186 AES key direction is invalid
0187 AES key material not of correct length
0188 AES key passwd not valid
0189 AES cipher in wrong state (not initialized)
0190 AES bad block length
0191 AES cipher instance is invalid
0192 AES data contents are invalid
0193 AES unknown error
0194 AES error unrecognized
0195 Unencrypted checksum with a supplied encryption key
0196 Encrypted checksum: no encryption key specified
0197 segment %s does not exist
0198 no base shared memory ID specified
0199 key: %ld: shared memory region already exists
0200 shared memory segment already exists
0201 shared memory segment not initialized
0203 no segment name given
0204 Invalid segment id given
0206 segment id %ld out of range
0207 DB_REP_WOULDROLLBACK: Client data has diverged
0208 DB_HEAP_FULL: no free space in db
0210 %s: metadata page checksum error
0237 External file databases do not support DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED and TXN_SNAPSHOT
0238 Error wrote %lld bytes to file %s instead of %lld .
0239 fileops: rmdir %s
0242 assert failure (%s/%d: %s) after panic %s
0243 External files require 64 integer compiler support.
0247 DB_META_CHKSUM_FAIL: Checksum mismatch detected on a database metadata page
0248 msync failed on closing environment
0251 DB_SLICE_CORRUPT: One or more slices of this environment are malformed
0252 DB_REP_INELECT: Replication election in progress
0749 Exclusive database handles can only have one active transaction at a time.
3023 %s: file limited to %lu pages
3655 DB_NOSERVER: No message dispatch call-back function has been configured
5003 %s: version %d.%d doesn't match library version %d.%d
5005 %s: strdup: %s
5130 Password may not be specified twice
5509 DB_SYSTEM_MEM_MISSING: A required shared memory segment was not found
5510 fileops: flock %s %s %s
5511 fileops: flock %s %s %s returns %s
5536 DB environment not configured for logging

Database Handle Messages

Message Number Message Text
0210 %s: metadata page checksum error
0501 Page %lu: %s is of inappropriate type %lu
0502 Page %lu: totally zeroed page
0503 Rename on temporary files invalid
0504 XA applications may not specify an environment to db_create
0505 Cannot open XA database before XA is enabled
0506 call implies an access method which is inconsistent with previous calls
0508 Database environment not configured for encryption
0509 page sizes may not be smaller than %lu
0510 page sizes may not be larger than %lu
0511 page sizes must be a power-of-2
0512 Illegal application-specific record type %lu in log
0513 Illegal record type %lu in log
0514 Attempting to add application-specific record with invalid type %lu
0515 Attempting to add internal record with invalid type %lu
0516 DB_DBT_PARTIAL may not be set on key during join_get
0517 Allocation failed for join key, len = %lu
0518 DB_SALVAGE requires a an output handle
0519 DB_ORDERCHKONLY requires a database name
0520 Metadata page %lu cannot be read
0521 Page %lu: Incomplete metadata page
0522 Page %lu: metadata page corrupted
0523 Page %lu: could not check metadata page
0524 Page %lu: pgno incorrectly set to %lu
0525 Page %lu: bad magic number %lu
0526 Page %lu: unsupported DB version %lu; extraneous errors may result
0527 Page %lu: bad page size %lu
0528 Page %lu: bad page type %lu
0529 Page %lu: bad meta-data flags value %#lx
0530 Page %lu: beyond the end of the file, metadata page has last page as %lu
0531 Page %lu: old-style duplicate page
0532 Page %lu: unknown page type %lu
0533 Page %lu: overflow refcount %lu, referenced %lu times
0534 Page %lu: unreferenced page
0536 Page %lu: bad page number %lu
0538 Page %lu: invalid next_pgno %lu
0539 Page %lu: invalid prev_pgno %lu
0541 Page %lu: too many entries: %lu
0542 Page %lu: bad btree level %lu
0543 Page %lu: btree leaf page has incorrect level %lu
0544 Page %lu: nonzero level %lu in non-btree database
0545 Page %lu: invalid magic number
0546 Page %lu: magic number does not match database type
0547 Page %lu: unsupported database version %lu; extraneous errors may result
0548 Page %lu: invalid pagesize %lu
0550 Page %lu: nonempty free list on subdatabase metadata page
0551 Page %lu: nonsensical free list pgno %lu
0552 Page %lu: last_pgno is not correct: %lu != %lu
0553 Page %lu: invalid next_pgno %lu on free list page
0554 Page %lu: page %lu encountered a second time on free list
0555 Page %lu: non-invalid page %lu on free list
0556 Subdatabase entry not page-number size
0557 Subdatabase entry references invalid page %lu
0558 Subdatabase entry references page %lu of invalid type %lu
0559 Subdatabase entry of invalid size
0560 Page %lu: DB->h_internal field is NULL
0561 Page %lu: incorrect hash function for database
0562 Page %lu: database metapage of bad type %lu
0563 Page %lu: entries listing %lu overlaps data
0564 Page %lu: bad offset %lu at page index %lu
0565 Page %lu: unaligned offset %lu at page index %lu
0566 Page %lu: item %lu of unrecognizable type
0567 Page %lu: item %lu extends past page boundary
0568 Page %lu: sorted duplicate set in unsorted-dup database
0569 Page %lu: unsorted duplicate set in sorted-dup database
0570 Page %lu: duplicate page of inappropriate type %lu
0571 library build did not include support for database verification
0572 Databases may not become secondary indices while cursors are open
0573 Secondary index handles may not be re-associated
0574 Secondary indices may not be used as primary databases
0575 Primary databases may not be configured with duplicates
0576 Renumbering recno databases may not be used as primary databases
0577 The primary and secondary must be opened in the same environment
0578 The DB_THREAD setting must be the same for primary and secondary
0579 Callback function may be NULL only when database handles are read-only
0580 replication recovery unrolled committed transactions;open DB and DBcursor handles must be closed
0581 DB->del with DB_MULTIPLE(_KEY) requires multiple key records
0582 Database does not have a valid file handle
0583 %s is not supported with DB_CONSUME or DB_CONSUME_WAIT
0584 DB_DBT_READONLY should not be set on data DBT.
0585 DB_MULTIPLE requires DB_DBT_USERMEM be set
0586 DB_MULTIPLE does not support DB_DBT_PARTIAL
0587 DB_MULTIPLE buffers must be aligned, at least page size and multiples of 1KB
0588 At least one secondary cursor must be specified to DB->join
0589 All secondary cursors must share the same transaction
0590 files containing multiple databases may only be opened read-only
0591 DB_TRUNCATE not supported on VxWorks
0592 DB_UNKNOWN type specified with DB_CREATE or DB_TRUNCATE
0593 unknown type: %lu
0594 database environment not yet opened
0595 environment did not include a memory pool
0596 environment not created using DB_THREAD
0597 DB_MULTIVERSION illegal without a transaction specified
0598 DB_MULTIVERSION illegal with queue databases
0599 DB_TRUNCATE illegal with %s specified
0600 Queue databases must be one-per-file
0601 DB->pget may only be used on secondary indices
0602 DB_MULTIPLE and DB_MULTIPLE_KEY may not be used on secondary indices
0603 DB_GET_BOTH on a secondary index requires a primary key
0604 DB->put forbidden on secondary indices
0605 DB->put: DB_MULTIPLE(_KEY) can only be combined with DB_OVERWRITE_DUP
0606 DB->put with DB_MULTIPLE(_KEY) requires a bulk key buffer
0607 DB->put with DB_MULTIPLE requires a bulk data buffer
0608 a partial put in the presence of duplicates requires a cursor operation
0609 DB->compact may not be called with active cursors in the transaction.
0610 Secondary indices may not be used as foreign databases
0611 Foreign databases may not be configured with duplicates
0612 Renumbering recno databases may not be used as foreign databases
0613 The associating database must be a secondary index.
0614 When specifying a delete action of nullify, a callback function needs to be configured
0615 When not specifying a delete action of nullify, a callback function cannot be configured
0616 Closing already-closed cursor
0617 DBcursor->cmp dbc pointer must not be null
0618 DBcursor->cmp both cursors must refer to the same database.
0623 DB_MULTIPLE/DB_MULTIPLE_KEY buffers must be aligned, at least page size and multiples of 1KB
0624 DBcursor->pget may only be used on secondary indices
0626 %s requires both a secondary and a primary key
0628 DBcursor->put forbidden on secondary indices
0629 Bulk and partial operations cannot be combined on %s DBT
0630 DB_THREAD mandates memory allocation flag on %s DBT
0631 Cursor position must be set before performing this operation
0632 DB_AUTO_COMMIT may not be specified along with a transaction handle
0633 DB_AUTO_COMMIT may not be specified in non-transactional environment
0634 Partitioned databases may not be in memory.
0635 DB_CREATE must be specified to create databases.
0636 DBTYPE of unknown without existing file
0637 Partitioned databases may not be included with multiple databases.
0638 %s: Invalid type %d specified
0639 Invalid subdatabase type %d specified
0641 __db_meta_setup: %s: unexpected file type or format
0642 Checksum failure requires catastrophic recovery
0645 Cannot specify callback and range keys.
0646 Must specify at least 2 partitions.
0647 Must specify either keys or a callback.
0648 May not specify both keys and a callback.
0649 Directory not in environment list %s
0650 Partitioning may only specified on BTREE and HASH databases.
0651 Partitioning specified on a non-partitioned database.
0652 Incompatible partitioning specified.
0653 Partition callback not specified.
0654 Record numbers are not supported in partitioned databases.
0655 Zero paritions specified.
0656 Number of partitions does not match.
0657 Hash database must specify a partition callback.
0658 Partitioning only supported on BTREE and HASH.
0659 No range keys found.
0660 Keys found and callback set.
0661 Partition key 0 is not empty.
0662 Partition key %d does not match
0663 A partitioned database can not be in a multiple databases file
0664 library build did not include support for the database partitioning
0665 upgrade not supported
0667 Attempt to upgrade an encrypted database without providing a password.
0669 %s: unsupported queue version: %lu
0670 %s: DB->upgrade only supported on native byte-order systems
0671 %s: unrecognized file type
0672 %s: file size not a multiple of the pagesize
0673 rename: database %s exists
0674 Closing a primary DB while a secondary DB has active cursors is unsafe
0675 __env_fileid_reset: %s: unexpected file type or format
0676 Page %lu: overflow page has zero reference count
0677 Page %lu: overflow page of invalid type %lu
0678 Page %lu: first page in overflow chain has a prev_pgno %lu
0679 Page %lu: encountered too many times in overflow traversal
0680 Page %lu: overflow page linked twice from leaf or data page
0681 Page %lu: bad next_pgno %lu on overflow page
0682 Page %lu: bad prev_pgno %lu on overflow page (should be %lu)
0683 Page %lu: overflow item incomplete
0684 checksum error: page %lu: catastrophic recovery required
0685 DB->truncate forbidden on secondary indices
0686 DB->truncate not permitted with active cursors
0687 CDS groups do not support %s
0688 CDS group has active cursors
0689 %s page %lu is on free list with type %lu
0690 DB_LOG_NO_DATA may not be specified within a transaction.
0691 Remove on temporary files invalid
0692 Both cursors must be initialized before calling DBC->cmp.
0694 DBCursor->cmp mismatched off page duplicate cursor pointers.
0695 Put results in a non-unique secondary key in an index not configured to support duplicates
0696 Duplicate data items are not supported with sorted data
0697 Write attempted on read-only cursor
0698 Attempt to execute cascading delete in a foreign index failed
0699 Foreign database application callback
0700 Attempt to overwrite item in foreign database with nullified value failed
0702 Deadlock while opening %s, retrying
0708 Invalid positioning flag combined with DB_DBT_PARTIAL
0709 The primary key returned by pget can't be partial
0711 The primary key returned by pget can't be partial.
0713 Page %lu: page %lu on free list beyond last_pgno %lu
0714 %s: path too long
0715 removing %s
0716 Target directory may not be null.
0718 %s: directory read
0719 highest numbered log file removed: %d
0721 %s: cannot create
0724 copying database %s%c%s to %s%c%s
0725 data directory '%s' is absolute path, not permitted unless backup is to a single directory
0726 copying %s to %s
0727 %lu buffer allocation
0730 %s%c%s not present
0731 Sync failed
0735 Can't flush log
0736 Can't get log file names
0739 moving %s to %s
0741 unlink of %s failed
0742 lowest numbered log file copied: %d
0743 the largest log file removed (%d) must be greater than or equal the smallest log file copied (%d)
0744 Exclusive database handles cannot be threaded.
0745 Exclusive database handles require transactional environments.
0746 Exclusive database handles cannot be opened on replication clients.
0747 Metadata page %lu cannot be read from mpool
0748 Write failed.
0749 Exclusive database handles can only have one active transaction at a time.
0750 Error, cannot set both DB_STREAM_WRITE and DB_STREAM_READ.
0751 Secondary and primary databases cannot support external files.
0752 Heap databases may not be used as secondary databases
0753 External file enabled databases do not support READ_UNCOMMITTED and TXN_SNAPSHOT.
0754 External file enabled databases do not support DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED.
0755 DB_MULTIVERSION illegal with external file enabled databases
0756 DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED illegal with external file enabled databases
0758 Unsupported flags when cloning the DBT.
0759 Unsupported flags when freeing the cloned DBT.
0760 Cannot enable external files in databases with duplicates.
0761 Cannot enable external files in databases with compression.
0763 Cannot enable duplicates with external file support.
0765 Offset or id size overflow.
0766 External file identifier overflow.
0767 External file size overflow.
0771 Page %lu: item %lu illegal size.
0772 Must not specify more than %u partitions.
0776 %s: unsupported heap version: %lu
0780 external file directory '%s' is absolute path, not permitted unless backup is to a single directory
0781 log directory '%s' is absolute path, not permitted unless backup is to a single directory
0782 Hot backup requires DB_LOG_EXT_FILE
0783 In-memory databases are not supported in Replication Manager preferred master mode
0784 dbrename #%d %s->%s
0785 %s failed for slice #%u: '%s'
0786 db_verify #%u %s
0787 Database %s has no metadata "%s"
0788 Sliced database %s has bad metadata for %s
0789 The number of partitions %u exceeds the maximum %u.
1009 %s: unsupported btree version: %lu
1126 %s: unsupported hash version: %lu
1561 Directory %s not in environment list.
1589 DB_PRIVATE is not supported by 64-bit applications in mixed-size-addressing mode
2588 dbremove disallowed on replication client
2589 dbrename disallowed on replication client
5501 DB_BACKUP_UPDATE and DB_BACKUP_NO_LOGS cannot be used together.
5502 Page %lu: invalid pgno found in hash bucket
5540 %s: Invalid database type for a partitioned database.
5541 DB_BACKUP_DEEP_COPY and external file support cannot be used together.

Environment Handle Messages

Message Number Message Text
1501 Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its size
1502 Freeing log information for process: %s, (ref %lu)
1503 DB_ENV->failchk requires DB_ENV->is_alive be configured
1504 is_alive method specified but no thread region allocated
1505 thread table must be allocated when the database environment is created
1506 unable to allocate a thread status block
1507 Thread died in Berkeley DB library
1508 Unable to allocate thread control block
1509 Invalid recovery timestamp %s; earliest time is %s
1510 First log record not found
1512 Last log record not found
1513 Checkpoint LSN record [%ld][%ld] not found
1514 Recovery starting from [%lu][%lu]
1515 Recovery continuing after non-fatal checkpoint error: %s
1518 Recovery complete at %.24s
1519 Maximum transaction ID %lx recovery checkpoint [%lu][%lu]
1520 Recovery function for LSN %lu %lu failed on %s pass
1521 Recovery function for LSN %lu %lu failed
1522 Log file corrupt at LSN: [%lu][%lu]
1523 Unknown version %lu
1524 %lu: register environment
1525 %lu: creating %s
1526 adding self to registry: "%s"
1527 %02u: EMPTY (%s)
1528 DB_REGISTER limits processes to one open DB_ENV handle per environment
1529 %02u: %s: KILLED
1530 %02u: %s: FAILED
1531 %02u: %s: LOCKED
1532 %lu: locking slot %02u at offset %lu
1533 %lu: recovery completed, unlocking
1534 %s: exclusive file unlock
1535 %s: existing environment not created in system memory
1536 %s: unable to read region info
1537 %s: unable to read system-memory information
1538 Program version %d.%d doesn't match environment version %d.%d
1539 Build signature doesn't match environment
1540 configured environment flags incompatible with existing environment
1542 Minimum environment memory size %ld is bigger than spcified max %ld.
1543 unable to create new master region array
1544 %s: unable to find environment
1545 %s: unable to write out public environment ID
1546 unable to join the environment
1547 environment reference count went negative
1548 region size %lu is too large; maximum is %lu
1549 region max %lu is too large; maximum is %lu
1550 architecture does not support locks inside process-local (malloc) memory
1551 application may not specify both DB_PRIVATE and DB_THREAD
1552 region memory was not correctly aligned
1553 no room remaining for additional REGIONs
1554 Library build did not include statistics support
1555 library build did not include support for cryptography
1556 Empty password specified to set_encrypt
1558 Environment panic set
1559 DB_TXN_NOSYNC and DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC may not be used with DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY
1560 Attempt to decrement hotbackup counter past zero
1561 Directory %s not in environment list.
1564 %s: method not permitted when environment specified
1565 %s: method not permitted %s handle's open method
1566 %s interface requires an environment configured for the %s subsystem
1567 The DB_RECOVER flag was not specified, and recovery is needed
1568 Berkeley DB library does not support DB_REGISTER on this system
1569 registration requires transaction support
1570 Berkeley DB library does not support replication on this system
1571 replication requires locking support
1572 replication requires transaction support
1573 recovery requires the create flag
1574 recovery requires transaction support
1575 DB_FAILCHK requires DB_ENV->is_alive be configured
1576 DB_FAILCHK requires DB_ENV->set_thread_count be configured
1577 Berkeley DB library configured to support only private environments
1579 Database handles still open at environment close
1580 Open database handle: %s%s%s
1581 File handles still open at environment close
1582 Open file handle: %s
1583 block not at end of region
1585 unrecognized name-value pair: %s
1586 temporary open: %s
1587 %s interface requires an environment configured with %s
1588 Maximum memory size too large: maximum is 4GB
1589 DB_PRIVATE is not supported by 64-bit applications in mixed-size-addressing mode
1590 Could not add %s to environment list.
1591 Warning: Ignoring ext_file_threshold size when joining environment
1592 Must set a view callback.
1593 Maximum number of bytes to display for each key/data item can not be 0.
1594 DB_PRIVATE is not supported in Replication Manager preferred master mode
1595 failchk crash after clean registry
1596 env_open DB_REGISTER w/o RECOVER panic: trying w/recovery
1598 set_slice_count has already been specified for this environment
1599 An environment may have at most %d slices
1600 allocation of 0-length block
1601 DB_CONFIG line %d: %s: incorrect name-value pair
1602 "slice all home" is not permitted
1603 "slice all" configurations may not include absolute paths
1604 The region directory cannot be set with DB_PRIVATE or DB_SYSTEM_MEM.
1605 replication is not compatible with slices
1606 A sliced environment cannot use DB_INIT_CDB
1607 unknown type argument to DB_ENV->set_memory_init
1608 unknown type argument to DB_ENV->get_memory_init
4506 Invalid checkpoint record at [%ld][%ld]

Locking Subsystem Messages

Message Number Message Text
2001 library build did not include support for mutexes
2002 Win32 create event failed
2003 Win32 lock failed: mutex already locked by %s
2004 [%lld]: Lost signal on mutex %p, id %d, ms %d
2005 [%lld]: Waiting on mutex %p, id %d
2006 Win32 lock failed
2009 Win32 read lock failed
2010 Win32 unlock failed: lock already unlocked: mutex %d busy %d
2011 [%lld]: Signalling mutex %p, id %d
2012 Win32 unlock failed
2013 Unable to allocate memory for the mutex region
2014 Unable to allocate memory for mutexes from the region
2015 Unable to acquire/release a mutex; check configuration
2016 Unable to acquire/release a shared latch; check configuration
2018 DB_ENV->mutex_set_align: alignment value must be a non-zero power-of-two
2021 unable to initialize mutex
2022 pthread lock failed: lock currently in use: pid/tid: %s
2023 pthread lock failed
2024 pthread readlock failed
2026 unable to destroy cond
2027 unable to destroy mutex
2028 TAS: mutex not appropriately aligned
2029 TAS: mutex initialize
2030 TAS lock failed: lock %ld currently in use: ID: %s
2031 shared unlock %ld already unlocked
2032 unlock %ld already unlocked
2033 Mutex allocated before mutex region.
2034 unable to allocate memory for mutex; resize mutex region
2035 Invalid lock operation: %d
2036 Locker does not exist
2037 DB_ENV->lock_get: invalid lock mode %lu
2038 Unexpected lock status: %d
2039 Not a child transaction
2041 lock_open: incompatible deadlock detector mode
2042 unable to allocate memory for the lock table
2043 DB_ENV->set_lk_detect: unknown deadlock detection mode specified
2044 DB_ENV->set_lk_detect: incompatible deadlock detector mode
2045 Unknown locker id: %lx
2046 Locker %d still has %d locks
2048 DB_ENV->lock_detect: unknown deadlock detection mode specified
2049 warning: unable to abort locker %lx
2050 Aborting locker %lx
2051 %lu lockers
2052 locker has write locks
2053 Freeing read locks for locker %#lx: %s
2054 library build did not include support for locking
2055 Lock table is out of available %s
2058 Warning: Ignoring DB_SET_LOCK_TIMEOUT when joining the environment.
2059 Warning: Ignoring DB_SET_TXN_TIMEOUT when joining the environment.
2060 Freeing locker %x with locks
2061 Removing cached locker mutex %lu reference by %s
2065 Freeing %s for process: %s
2066 Marking %s as owned by dead thread %s
2067 Marking %s as shared by dead thread %s
2068 mutex_failchk: unknown state for %s with dead thread %s
2069 pthread unlock %s: already unlocked
2070 Shared unlock %s: already unlocked
2072 Unlock %s: already unlocked
2073 Mutex died: %s owned %s
2074 No space available in latch table for %lu
2075 Latch %lu was not held
2076 DB_ENV->set_lk_conflicts: nmodes cannot be 0.
2077 DB_ENV->set_lk_partitions: partitions cannot be 0.
2078 Unlocking shared mutex %s of thread %s

Logging Subsystem Messages

Message Number Message Text
2501 Set either an lsn range or a time range to verify logs in the range, don't mix time and lsn.
2502 [%lu][%lu] Unsupported version of log file, log file number: %u, log file version: %u, supported log version: %u.
2503 callback: initialization
2504 Log verification ended and %s.
2505 Not supported version %lu
2506 file %s has LSN %lu/%lu, past end of log at %lu/%lu
2507 Commonly caused by moving a database from one database environment
2508 to another without clearing the database LSNs, or by removing all of
2509 the log files from a database environment
2510 Logging not currently permitted
2511 DB_ENV->log_put is illegal on replication clients
2512 Non-replication DB_ENV handle attempting to modify a replicated environment
2513 DB_ENV->log_put: record larger than maximum file size (%lu > %lu)
2514 Write failed on MASTER commit.
2515 Short read while restoring log
2516 DB_ENV->log_flush: LSN of %lu/%lu past current end-of-log of %lu/%lu
2517 Database environment corrupt; the wrong log files may have been removed or incompatible database files imported from another environment
2518 DB_ENV->log_file is illegal with in-memory logs
2519 DB_ENV->log_file: name buffer is too short
2520 %s: log file unreadable
2521 %s: log file open failed
2523 library build did not include support for log verification
2524 unable to allocate log region memory
2525 No log files found
2526 Finding last valid log LSN: file: %lu offset %lu
2527 Invalid log file: %s
2528 ignoring log file: %s
2529 Ignoring log file: %s historic byte order
2530 Ignoring log file: %s: magic number %lx, not %lx
2531 Unacceptable log file %s: unsupported log version %lu
2532 Skipping log file %s: historic log version %lu
2533 log record checksum mismatch
2534 Warning: truncating to point beyond end of log
2535 In-memory log buffer is full (an active transaction spans the buffer)
2536 [%lu][%lu] Not supported type of log record %u.
2537 [%lu][%lu] [WARNING] Parent txn %lx is updating its active child txn %lx's pages, or %lx aborted.
2538 [%lu][%lu] [WARNING] Txn %lx is updating txn %lx's pages.
2539 [%lu][%lu] Verifying log record of type %s
2540 [%lu][%lu] Log record type does not match related database type, current database type: %s, expected database type according to the log record type: %s.
2541 [%lu][%lu] Suspicious dbreg operation: %s, the database file %s's register in log region does not begin with an open operation.
2542 [%lu][%lu] Wrong dbreg operation sequence, opening %s for id %d which is already open.
2543 [%lu][%lu] Wrong dbreg operation sequence,file %s with id %d is first seen of status: %s
2544 [%lu][%lu] The dbtype of database file %s with uid %s and id %d has changed from %s to %s.
2545 [%lu][%lu] Wrong dbreg operation sequence for file %s with id %d, current status: %s, new status: %s
2546 [%lu][%lu] __ham_groupalloc should apply only to the master database with meta page number 0, current meta page number is %d.
2547 [%lu][%lu] Can not find an active transaction's information, txnid: %lx.
2548 [%lu][%lu] The number of active, committed and aborted child txns of txn %lx: %u, %u, %u.
2549 [%lu][%lu] Checkpoint record, ckp_lsn: [%lu][%lu], timestamp: %s. Total checkpoint: %u
2550 [%lu][%lu] Last known checkpoint [%lu][%lu] not equal to last_ckp :[%lu][%lu]. Some checkpoint log records may be missing.
2551 [%lu][%lu] Last known checkpoint [%lu, %lu] has a timestamp %s smaller than this checkpoint timestamp %s.
2552 [%lu][%lu] ckp log's ckp_lsn [%lu][%lu] greater than active txn %lx 's first lsn [%lu][%lu]
2554 [%lu][%lu] Parent txn %lx ended before child txn %lx ends.
2556 [%lu][%lu] Txn %lx ended before it commits.
2558 [%lu][%lu] Multiple txn_prepare log record for transaction %lx, previous prepare lsn: [%lu, %lu].
2559 [%lu][%lu] [WARNING] This log record of type %s does not have a greater time stamp than [%lu, %lu] of type %s
2560 [%lu][%lu] Transaction %lx is updating a db file %d not registered.
2562 [%lu][%lu] Previous record for transaction %lx is [%lu][%lu] and prev_lsn is [%lu][%lu].
2563 [%lu][%lu] Update action is performed in a prepared transaction %lx.
2564 [%lu][%lu] Transaction id %lx reused without being recycled with a __txn_recycle.
2565 [%lu][%lu] Non-transactional update, log type: %u, fileid: %d.
2567 [%lu][%lu] Txn %lx aborted after this log record.
2568 The number of active, committed and aborted child txns of txn %lx: %u, %u, %u.
2569 log region size must be >= %d
2570 no absolute path for the current directory
2571 log file auto-remove
2572 DB_ENV->log_archive: bad log record
2573 DB_ENV->log_archive: unable to read log record
2574 DB_LOGC->get: unset cursor
2575 DB_LOGC->get: invalid LSN: %lu/%lu
2576 Encountered zero length records while traversing backwards
2577 DB_LOGC->get: log record LSN %lu/%lu: checksum mismatch, hdr.chksum: %s, hdr.prev: %u, hdr.len: %u, log type: %u. Skipping it and continuing with the %s one
2578 DB_LOGC->get: log record LSN %lu/%lu: checksum mismatch
2579 DB_LOGC->get: catastrophic recovery may be required
2580 DB_LOGC->get: LSN %lu/%lu: invalid log record header
2581 DB_LOGC->get: LSN: %lu/%lu: read
2582 DB_LOGC->get: LSN: %lu/%lu: short read
2583 Log file %d not found, check log directory configuration
2584 Must provide a configuration structure.
2585 Warning: Ignoring maximum log file size when joining the environment
2586 Warning: Ignoring DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE when joining the environment.
2587 DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY is not supported in Replication Manager preferred master mode
2590 log_put is illegal on replication clients

Memory Pool Messages

Message Number Message Text
0511 page sizes must be a power-of-2
0703 Cannot allocate space for path: %s
0704 Cannot open target file: %s
0712 %s is already in a backup
3001 %smethod not permitted when replication is configured
3002 %s: non-transactional update to a multiversion file
3003 individual cache size too large: maximum is 4GB
3004 individual cache size too large: maximum is 10TB
3005 Truncate beyond the end of file
3006 Can't get the required free size whileoperating in mixed-size-addressing mode
3007 DB_ENV->memp_trickle: %d: percent must be between 1 and 100
3008 %s: dirty flag set for readonly file page
3009 %s: error releasing a read-only page
3010 %s: error getting a page for writing
3011 %s: more pages returned than retrieved
3012 %s: page %lu: unpinned page returned
3013 __memp_fput: pinned buffer not found for thread %s
3014 unable to create temporary backing file
3015 %s: write failed for page %lu
3016 %s: %s failed for page %lu
3017 unable to allocate space from the buffer cache
3018 %s: unwritable page %d remaining in the cache after error %d
3019 cannot remove the last cache
3020 cannot resize to %lu cache regions: maximum is %lu
3022 %s: page %lu: reference count overflow
3023 %s: file limited to %lu pages
3025 DB_MPOOLFILE->get: buffer data is NOT size_t aligned
3026 Unable to allocate memory for mpool region
3027 %s: unable to flush page: %lu
3028 %s: unable to flush
3029 DB_ENV->memp_fcreate: method not permitted when replication is configured
3030 get_fileid: file ID not set
3031 DB_MPOOLFILE->get_priority: unknown priority value: %d
3032 DB_MPOOLFILE->set_priority: unknown priority value: %d
3033 DB_MPOOLFILE->open: page sizes must be a power-of-2
3034 DB_MPOOLFILE->open: clear length larger than page size
3035 DB_MPOOLFILE->open: temporary files can't be readonly
3036 DB_MPOOLFILE->open: DB_MULTIVERSION requires transactions
3038 %s: clear length, page size or LSN location changed
3039 Cannot open DURABLE and NOT DURABLE handles in the same file
3040 %s: close: %lu blocks left pinned
3041 DB_MULTIVERSION cannot be specified on a database file that is already open
3042 Releasing backup of %s for %s.
3043 %s: file size (%lu %lu) not a multiple of the pagesize %lu
3044 Warning: Ignoring maximum memory map size when joining environment
3045 Warning: Ignoring max open file descriptors value when joining environment
3046 Warning: Ignoring maximum sequential writes value when joining environment
3047 __memp_mf_sync: Could not sync %s: %s

Replication Messages

Message Number Message Text
0167 network_event_wait
0243 External files require 64 integer compiler support.
3501 Request for LSN [%lu][%lu] not found
3502 Client initialization failed. Need to manually restore client
3503 rep_send_message: Unknown rep version %lu, my version %lu
3504 Operation locked out. Waiting for replication lockout to complete
3510 Waiting for %s (%lu) to complete replication lockout
3511 Waiting for %s (%lu) to complete replication lockout for %d minutes
3512 %s cannot call from Replication Manager application
3513 DB_ENV->rep_process_message: control argument must be specified
3514 Environment not configured as replication master or client
3515 DB_ENV->rep_process_message: error retrieving DBT contents
3516 unsupported old replication message version %lu, minimum version %d
3517 unexpected replication message version %lu, expected %d
3518 unsupported old replication log version %lu, minimum version %d
3519 unexpected log record version %lu, expected %d
3520 Inconsistent lease configuration
3521 DB_ENV->rep_process_message: unknown replication message: type %lu
3522 failed to read the log at [%lu][%lu]
3523 transaction %x failed at [%lu][%lu]
3524 collect failed at: [%lu][%lu]
3525 Error syncing ckp [%lu][%lu]
3526 Error processing txn [%lu][%lu]
3527 DB_ENV->rep_elect: cannot call from Replication Manager application
3528 DB_ENV->rep_elect: must be called after DB_ENV->rep_set_transport
3529 DB_ENV->rep_elect: must be called after DB_ENV->rep_start
3530 DB_ENV->rep_elect: nsites must be zero if leases configured
3531 DB_ENV->rep_elect:WARNING: nvotes (%d) is sub-majority with nsites (%d)
3532 DB_ENV->rep_elect: nvotes (%d) is larger than nsites (%d)
3533 No electable site found: recvd %d of %d votes from %d sites
3534 Not enough votes to elect: recvd %d of %d from %d sites
3535 Application type mismatch for a replication process joining the environment
3548 %s cannot configure repmgr settings from base replication application
3549 %s in-memory replication must be configured before DB_ENV->open
3550 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: leases must be configured before DB_ENV->rep_start
3551 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: leases cannot be turned off
3552 DB_ENV->rep_start: cannot call from Replication Manager application
3553 DB_ENV->rep_start: must specify DB_REP_CLIENT or DB_REP_MASTER
3554 DB_ENV->rep_start: must be called after DB_ENV->rep_set_transport
3555 DB_ENV->rep_start: must call DB_ENV->rep_set_timeout for leases first
3556 DB_ENV->rep_start: Cannot become master during internal init
3557 rep_start: Cannot become master without being elected when using leases.
3558 rep_start: Cannot become master with outstanding lease granted.
3559 First record not found
3560 Checkpoint record at LSN [%lu][%lu] not found
3562 Checkpoint LSN record [%lu][%lu] not found
3563 Attempt to get first log record failed
3564 Final log record not found
3565 DB_ENV->rep_set_nsites: cannot call from Replication Manager application
3566 timeout value must be > 0
3567 %scannot set Replication Manager timeout from base replication application
3568 %s: lease timeout must be set before DB_ENV->rep_start.
3569 Unknown timeout type argument to DB_ENV->rep_set_timeout
3570 unknown timeout type argument to DB_ENV->rep_get_timeout
3571 DB_ENV->rep_set_request: Invalid min or max values
3572 DB_ENV->rep_set_transport: cannot call from Replication Manager application
3573 DB_ENV->rep_set_transport: no send function specified
3574 DB_ENV->rep_set_transport: eid must be greater than or equal to 0
3575 DB_ENV->rep_set_clockskew: Zero only valid for when used for both arguments
3576 DB_ENV->rep_set_clockskew: slow_clock value is larger than fast_clock_value
3577 DB_ENV->rep_set_clockskew: must be called before DB_ENV->rep_start
3578 DB_ENV->rep_flush: must be called after DB_ENV->rep_set_transport
3579 DB_ENV->rep_sync: must be called after DB_ENV->rep_set_transport
3580 non-replication commit token in replication env
3581 library build did not include support for replication
3582 closing socket
3583 releasing WSA event object
3584 can't create listen socket
3585 can't set REUSEADDR socket option
3586 can't bind socket to listening address
3587 listen()
3588 can't unblock listen socket
3589 unable to initialize Windows networking
3590 can't create event for listen socket
3592 can't set event bits 0x%lx
3593 EnumNetworkEvents
3613 unexpected msg type %d in state %d
3614 select loop failed
3615 accept error
3616 can't set nonblock after accept
3617 connector thread failed
3618 set_nonblock in connnect thread
3619 illegal size for rep msg
3620 unexpected msg type %d in PARAMETERS state
3621 unexpected msg type rcvd in ready state: %d
3622 No available version between %lu and %lu
3623 Can't support confirmed version %lu
3624 handshake is missing rec part
3625 malformed V1 handshake
3626 can't set KEEPALIVE socket option
3628 library build did not include support for the Replication Manager
3629 unexpected election failure
3630 pthread_attr_init in repmgr_thread_start
3631 pthread_attr_setstacksize in repmgr_thread_start
3632 can't access signal handler
3635 repmgr_start: unrecognized flags parameter value
3636 Replication Manager needs an environment with DB_THREAD
3637 A local site must be named before calling repmgr_start
3638 Could not clean up repmgr
3639 A non-zero flags value is required for initial repmgr_start() call
3640 repmgr is already started
3641 repmgr_start: nthreads parameter must be >= %d
3642 can't configure repmgr elections from subordinate process
3643 subsequent repmgr_start() call may not specify DB_REP_ELECTION
3644 repmgr_start: nthreads parameter must be >= 0
3645 can't start selector thread
3646 unknown ack_policy in DB_ENV->repmgr_set_ack_policy
3648 repmgr_site: a host name is required
3649 repmgr_site: port out of range [1,%u]
3650 DB_ENV->repmgr_channel: must be called after DB_ENV->repmgr_start
3651 repmgr is stopped
3652 %d is not a valid remote EID
3653 set_nonblock channel
3654 DB_CHANNEL->send_request() not supported on DB_EID_BROADCAST channel
3655 No message dispatch call-back function has been configured
3656 Application failed to provide a response
3657 a response has already been sent
3658 originator does not accept multi-segment response
3659 originator's USERMEM buffer too small
3660 %s() invalid on DB_CHANNEL supplied to msg dispatch function
3661 %s: cannot call from base replication application
3662 Can't determine EID before env open
3663 Site config value not applicable to local site
3665 Unrecognized site config value
3666 A previously given local site may not be unset
3669 repmgr is not running
3672 Nsites unknown before repmgr_start()
3673 rep_start
3674 A mismatching local site address has been set in the environment
3675 Not enough input bytes to fill a %s message
3676 unexpected msg type %lu in prepare_input
3677 unexpected msg type %lu in process_own_msg
3678 unexpected conn version %lu in send_handshake
3679 unexpected conn version %lu in accept_handshake
3680 invalid own buf size %lu in prepare_input
3681 invalid cur resp %lu in prepare_input
3682 unexpected connection info in record_permlsn
3685 View site cannot become master
3686 Application environment and view callback mismatch
3687 View sites may not participate in elections
3688 Application environment and view mismatch joining the environment
3694 A view site must be started with DB_REP_CLIENT
3695 A view site must be started with a view callback
3696 Current local site conflicts with earlier definition
3697 A (different) local site has already been set
3698 Local site cannot have HELPER or PEER attributes
3699 Site is not recorded as a view in the group membership database
3700 can't enable event for listener
3701 More than two sites in preferred master replication group
3702 A preferred master site must be started with DB_REP_CLIENT
3704 External file offset overflow
3706 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: %s must be configured before DB_ENV->repmgr_start
3707 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: preferred master mode cannot be used with %s
3708 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: cannot %s %s in preferred master mode
3709 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: could not complete automatic preferred master configuration
3710 %s: cannot change priority %s
3711 %s: cannot turn off heartbeat timeout in preferred master mode.
3712 pthread_attr_destroy in repmgr_thread_start
3713 %sncrypted client cannot join %sencrypted replication group
3714 DB_ENV->rep_set_nsites: nsites cannot be 0.
3715 %lu %lu
3716 memory allocation for epoll_info failed
3717 memory allocation for poll_info failed
3718 memory allocation for select_info failed
3720 Too many connection fds for poll and memory allocation for poll-fd-array failed. Try restarting repmgr after configuring select or epoll with rep_set_config
3721 Failed to allocate fd_list for poll
3722 epoll_create() failed for fd_set_size=%d
3723 failed to create epoll_fd_set for fd_set_size=%d
3724 memory allocation for network io handler failed
3725 memory allocation for read_fd_set failed
3726 memory allocation for write_fd_set failed
3727 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: cannot use EPOLL on this system. OS support not available for epoll()
3728 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: POLL support not available on this system. Ignoring this flag.
3729 Select does not support fd >= %d on this system.Use rep_set_config to enable poll or epoll.
4506 Invalid checkpoint record at [%lu][%lu]
5512 DB_ENV->rep_set_config: SSL support for replication not available on this system. Ignoring the flag DB_REPMGR_CONF_DISABLE_SSL.
5513 SSL support for replication %s on this system. Ignoring configuration parameters.
5514 SSL configuration parameter '%s' is missing.
5515 Unable to obtain certificate from supplied certificate file.
5516 Unable to allocate temporary space for SSL Private Key Password.
5517 Unable to get private key from supplied key file. Check the Key file and the corresponding password.
5518 Private key does not match the public certificate.
5519 Error loading CA certificate file and/or directory.
5521 Failed to create SSL context for Replication Manager Messaging.
5522 Failed to find a suitable cipher for SSL support for Replication Manager Messaging.
5523 Failed to initialize SSL context for Replication Manager Messaging.
5524 Failed to complete SSL accept(). SSL_accept() failed with %s.
5525 Failed to complete SSL connect(). SSL_connect() failed with %s.
5526 Invalid value supplied for SSL verify depth.
5527 Invalid ssl_config value supplied in DB_ENV->repmgr_set_ssl_config.
5528 Failed to create SSL structure for new SSL connection in %s.
5530 Failed to allocate memory for locks for Replication Manager SSL Support.
5531 Failed to create mutexes for locking for Replication Manager SSL Support.
5532 Failed to allocate memory for SSL connection information.
5533 Failed to create mutex for controlling access to SSL connection object.
5534 Failed to allocate memory for SSL write information.
5535 Failed to create mutex for synchronizing SSL writes.

Sequences Messages

Message Number Message Text
4001 Zero length sequence key specified
4002 Sequences not supported in databases configured for duplicate data
4003 Sequence value out of range
4004 Sequence create failed
4005 Bad sequence record format
4006 Unsupported sequence version: %d
4009 Minimum sequence value must be less than maximum sequence value
4011 Sequence overflow
4012 Sequence update failed
4014 Number of items to be cached is larger than the sequence range
4015 library build did not include support for sequences
4016 Heap databases may not be used with sequences.

Transaction Messages

Message Number Message Text
4501 TXN->prepare is not allowed because this transaction removes "%s"
4502 Transaction has in memory logs
4503 Aborting txn %#lx: %s
4504 Transaction abort failed
4505 operation not permitted while in recovery
4506 Invalid checkpoint record at [%lu][%lu]
4507 No log records
4508 Unable to allocate memory for the transaction region
4509 unable to discard txn %#lx
4510 unable to abort transaction %#lx
4511 Error: closing the transaction region with active transactions
4512 Current ID value %lu below minimum
4513 Maximum ID value %lu below minimum
4514 txnid %lx commit record found, already on commit list
4515 transaction not in list %lx
4516 Transaction not in list %x
4518 txn_checkpoint: failed to flush the buffer cache
4520 txn_checkpoint: log failed at LSN [%ld %ld]
4521 Family transactions cannot have parents
4522 Child transaction snapshot setting must match parent
4523 Unable to allocate transaction recycle buffer
4524 operation not permitted during recovery
4525 Unable to allocate memory for transaction detail
4526 commit token unavailable for nested txn
4527 may not be called on a replication client
4528 DB_TXN->prepare: log_write failed
4529 Unable to allocate memory for transaction name
4531 transaction has active cursors
4532 not a restored transaction
4533 Prepare disallowed on child transactions
4534 transaction already prepared
4535 transaction already %s
4536 DB_TXN->abort: in-memory log undo failed
4537 DB_TXN->abort: log undo failed for LSN: %lu %lu
4538 Child transaction is active
4539 replication commit token in non-replication env
4540 xa_get_txn: transaction begin failed
4541 xa_get_txn: XA transaction with parent
4542 xa_get_txn: transaction does not exist
4543 xa_get_txn: txn_continue fails
4544 xa_get_txn: os_malloc failed
4545 xa_open: Failure creating env handle
4546 xa_open: Failure setting thread count
4547 xa_open: Failure opening environment
4548 xa_open: Failure getting log configuration
4549 xa_open: In-memory logging not allowed in XA environment
4550 xa_start: failure mapping xid
4551 xa_end: failure mapping xid
4552 xa_end: cannot end with open cursors
4553 xa_end: txn_detail mismatch
4554 xa_end: ending transaction that is idle
4555 xa_prepare: failure mapping xid
4556 xa_prepare: xid not found
4557 xa_prepare: transaction neither active nor idle
4558 xa_prepare: txnp->prepare failed
4559 xa_commit: failure mapping xid
4560 xa_commit: xid not found
4561 xa_commit: commiting transaction active in branch
4562 xa_commit: attempting to commit unprepared transaction
4563 xa_commit: txnp->commit failed
4564 xa_recover: txn_get_prepared failed
4565 xa_rollback: failure mapping xid
4566 xa_rollback: xid not found
4567 xa_rollback: transaction in invalid state %d
4568 xa_rollback: failure aborting transaction
4569 xa_forget: failure mapping xid
4570 xa_forget: xid not found
4571 xa_forget: txnp->discard failed
4574 DB_TXN->set_name: name cannot be empty.
4575 txn_doevents: remove %s %s
4576 A transaction tried to access a second slice
4577 Sliced environments do not support distributed transactions

Command Line Utilities Messages

Message Number Message Text
0164 close
1523 Unknown version %lu
2503 callback: initialization
5001 Unsupported database type
5004 [%lu][%lu] App-specific log record: %lu data:
5006 %s: illegal option combination
5007 Unknown statistics flag
5013 tx: dispatch
5016 [%lu][%lu]application specific record: rec: %lu
5017 data:
5019 %s: %s upgraded successfully
5022 recovery %d%% complete
5023 %s: localtime: %s
5024 %s: out of range or illegal time specification: [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
5027 cannot specify -d and -c
5028 cannot specify -D and -d or -l
5029 failed to get environment variable DB_HOME: %s
5030 no source database environment specified
5031 no target backup directory specified
5032 hot backup started at %s
5033 DB_CONFIG must not contain an absolute path for the log directory
5035 %s: force checkpoint
5036 %s: remove unnecessary log files
5040 %s: run catastrophic recovery
5042 hot backup completed at %s
5057 %s: cannot specify -l with conflicting DB_CONFIG file
5072 %s: %s: reopen: %s
5074 No keys specified in file
5075 Keys specified in file
5076 Btree and Hash must specify keys
5077 improper database type conversion specified
5078 no database type specified
5079 odd number of key/data pairs
5080 %s: line %d: key already exists, not loaded:
5081 command-line configuration uses name=value format
5082 unknown command-line configuration keyword "%s"
5083 error reading db name
5084 line %lu: VERSION %d is unsupported
5085 line %lu: unknown type
5086 unknown input-file header configuration keyword "%s"
5087 line %lu: unexpected format
5088 unable to allocate memory
5089 boolean name=value pairs require a value of 0 or 1
5090 unexpected end of input data or key/data pair
5092 Cannot run %s without Replication Manager.
5093 Program name too long
5095 db_replicate begin: %s
5096 received panic event
5097 ignoring event %d
5099 %s: %lu %s %s: message too long
5102 running at %.24s
5103 rejected %d locks
5105 Verification of %s %s.
5110 %s: the -d and -p options may not both be specified
5111 %s: the -l and -s options may not both be specified
5112 %s: the -m option may not be specified with -l or -s
5113 %s: the -k and -r or -R options may not both be specified
5114 %s: the -r or R options may not be specified with -s
5115 open: %s
5116 %s: does not contain multiple databases
5122 %s: at least one of -1, -k and -p must be specified
5123 checkpoint begin: %s
5124 checkpoint complete: %s
5126 dbm: no open database.
5127 Heap must not specify keys
5140 The environment does not exist or cannot be opened. "-F" is required.
5141 use of -l with DB_CONFIG file is deprecated
5142 Queue and recno databases cannot support external files
5143 Encountered a data item too large to store in the database. Enable ext_file_threshold to store it.
5144 External file directory may not be specified twice
5145 %s: %s converted successfully to %s