HTICK 1.4 - Husky Ticker

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This document describes HTICK 1.4, a Fidonet Fileecho Processor for OS/2, Windows, BeOS and Unix clones.

Next: , Previous: Top, Up: Top

1 An Overview of HTICK

HTICK is a Fidonet fileareas tosser with filefix. Now project is being supported by Husky Development Team (see

HTICK features:

  1. Tossing fileareas.
  2. Filefix (on the fly, from command line, limit for areas...).
  3. Autocreate on the fly.
  4. Automatic forwarding of requests for missing areas to the uplinks.
  5. Switching areas into passive (send-only) and back into active mode.
  6. Resending files from passthrough and none passthrough fileareas.
  7. Groups & levels for personal and public access to fileareas.
  8. Security check of tossgroup.
  9. Link defaults.
  10. Posting to net & echo areas.
  11. Flexible file announcements via echo or netmail messages. Wildcards in filearea tags allow easy configuration of multiple announcement areas for different groups of fileareas.
  12. Save announcements to disk, so you are protected from losing announcements because of critical HTICK termination (insufficient disk space, ^Break pressed, power off etc).
  13. much, much more :)

The advantages of HTICK are:

  1. Open Source (GPL)
  2. Many supported platforms & operating systems
  3. Quick bug fixing

Next: , Previous: Overview, Up: Top

2 Installation Procedures and Release Notes

This chapter provides you with information that is necessary to successfully install and use HTICK.

We suppose that you already has compiled binaries. If not - read "Download" or "Compile the Source Code" chapters.

  1. Read FIDOCONFIG documentation about location of config files
  2. Edit config files for your purposes
  3. Run tparser from FIDOCONFIG package to test your config (read about PublicGroup or AccessGrp if you want to use groups for FileEchoAreas)
  4. It is simply, isn't it? Enjoy! :-)

Next: , Previous: Installation, Up: Installation

2.1 Download the Source Code & Binary Files

Main page (releases, source code, latest beta versions) -
Direct link to 'stable' branch sources:
Direct link to 'current' (development) branch sources:

Next: , Previous: Download, Up: Installation

2.2 Compiling the Source Code

1. The smapi and fidoconf packages are required for htick.

2. Put the fidoconf and smapi packages to the directory where the other packages of fido linux reside:

-> smapi/
-> fidoconfig/
-> htick/

3. Compile and install smapi and fidoconf packages. Use "Makefile" for dynamic executables and makefile.lnx (or what you need) for static ones.

4. Compile and install HTICK:

$ make
$ make install
You should use the _same_ makefiles in smapi, fidoconf and htick.

Next: , Previous: Compiling, Up: Installation

2.3 Support

There are numerous reasons why you might wish to establish contact with developers.

  1. You have decided to use HTICK on a regular basis. In this case, please do send a netmail at the address listed below.
  2. You have a general questions on how to configure or on how to use a certain feature of HTICK. In other words, you need support. In this case, you'd best post your question to one of the following echos:
    The international Husky conference. English is the preferred language here.
    This Russian echo covers Husky Project.

    If you have access to Internet, you may of course post your support request or bug report into form on husky development site:, click the "Bugs" link if you want to post a bug report.

    If you do not have access to any of these echos and internet, you may of course also contact developers via netmail or e-mail at the addresses listed below.

  3. You want to report a bug. There are two sorts of bugs:
    1. Normal bugs. You think that a certain function of HTICK does not work as expected, e.g. it is producing garbage, or doing strange things, or similar. In this case, either post to the echos listed above, bugrack on site or contact developers via netmail. Please do supply all information that is necessary to understand your problem.
    2. Fatal bugs. A fatal bug occurs if HTICK crashes. Depending on your operating system, the symptom might be a core dump, or a SYS 3175, or a general protection fault, or a system lockup, or a spontaneous reboot. We do consider a crash untolerable. No matter how stupid things you do, you should not be able to crash HTICK.

      If you are experienced user and get core dump, you can send developers gdb report. If you have a crash, locate core file that has been generated. Then run $ gdb htick core, type where. HTICK must be compiled with debug information (DEBUG=1 in huskymak.cfg file). Then send report to addresses below.

      If you are running any other binary version (like Windows), you will not get a core file on a crash. Write down as much information as you can, try to find a way to reproduce the crash and contact autors at the addresses below. Please attach log-file with loglevels 1-0A-Za-z (all numbers and letters).

  4. You want to contribute to HTICK. If you are a programmer and have fixed a problem in HTICK on your own, please submit your changes to me. The preferred way for doing so is to send to developers a difference file in GNU diff format (with -c parameter). Your work will be highly appreciated and honored in an appropriate place. If you want to regularly work on HTICK, we also have a CVS server online that you can have access to if you like.

    If you want to write a new feature for HTICK, please contact developers beforehand to avoid that we do duplicate work. Again, we will appreciate and honor any efforts done by you. Please note that for writing a HTICK enhancement, you should be familiar with C. Also, HTICK uses a special indentation style throughout the source code, that we would like you to adhere to.

So here are developers' addresses if you want to get in contact with us:

Next: , Previous: Support, Up: Top

3 HTICK 1.4 Command Line OPTIONS and SWITCHES

To get help about the command line syntax use HTICK without any arguments

htick [options] <command>
where <command> is:
Reading *.tic and tossing files
Scanning Netmail area for mails to filefix and process filefix command
ffix <FTN address> <filefix command>
Process filefix command command from command line
ffix! <FTN address> <filefix command>
Does the same job as 'ffix' and send subscride/unsubscribe letter to link that was manualy subscribed/unsubscribed by filefix command like: htick ffix! 2:464/910 -910.TEST This command remove file echo link 2:464/910 from 910.TEST and produce letter to 2:464/910 with body "-910.TEST"
Clean passthrough dir (remove sent files) and remove old files in fileechos
Announce new files as defined in Ann* config statements (See See Announce System.)
hatch <file> <area> [replace [<filemask>]] [desc [<desc>] [<ldesc>]]
Hatch file into Area using Description for file; if "replace" exists then fill replace field in TIC; if <filemask> doesn't exist then put <file> in field. Desc's parameters may be:
to load description from files.bbs
to load description from the contained File_Id.Diz
to load description from <file>
to use first line from Files.Bbs
to use first line from the contained File_Id.Diz
to use first line from <file>

send <file> <filearea> <address>
Send file from filearea to address
filelist <file> [<dirlist>]
Generate filelist containing all files in base.
  • <file> filename to write output to.
  • <dirlist> list of files' which should be included into filelist paths.

Next: , Previous: Command Line, Up: Top

4 HTICK 1.4 Configuration Reference

HTICK is based on FIDOCONFIG library, so read documentation of FIDOCONFIG about location of config file and keywords ideology.

Next: , Previous: Configuration Reference, Up: Configuration Reference

4.1 Keywords

Next: , Previous: Keywords, Up: Keywords

4.1.1 FileAreaBaseDir

FileAreaBaseDir <directory>
FileAreaBaseDir /var/spool/fido/fileareas

Where the directories for all Fileareas shall be made at autocreate. Same as MsgBaseDir.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileAreaBaseDir, Up: Keywords

4.1.2 PassFileAreaDir

PassFileAreaDir <directory>
PassFileAreaDir /var/spool/fido/transit

Where shall be put files from Passthrough Fileareas (and TICs, if ticOutbound is not defined).

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: PassFileAreaDir, Up: Keywords

4.1.3 FileDescPos

FileDescPos <number>
FileDescPos 13

The number of spaces to indent long descriptions in FILES.BBS. Recommend: 13 (8.3+space)

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileDescPos, Up: Keywords

4.1.4 fileLDescString

fileLDescString <string>
fileLDescString ">"

This string is put before long descriptions in FILES.BBS (Usually ">" or "+".). Default value: single space.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: fileLDescString, Up: Keywords

4.1.5 FileFixHelp

FileFixHelp <string>
FileFixHelp /usr/local/fido/filefix.hlp

Help file for FileFix, same as AreaFixHelp for HPT's AreaFix

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileFixHelp, Up: Keywords

4.1.6 ExecOnFile

ExecOnFile <filearea> <filemask> <command>
ExecOnFile husky *.diff /usr/local/fido/

Execute some command on receiving file. Command gets full filepath as parameter (space and file pathname should be appended to command string before execution).

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ExecOnFile, Up: Keywords

4.1.7 SaveTic

SaveTic <FileEchoMask> <FileOption> <DirToSaveTic>
SaveTic husky -l /usr/local/husky
where to put TIC for fileecho[s] <FileEchoMask>
save files with tics. May be:
files will not be copied
link files from fileechodir to <DirToSaveTic>
copy files from fileechodir to <DirToSaveTic>

Options -l and -c work only for non-Passthrough fileechos

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: SaveTic, Up: Keywords

4.1.8 MaxTicLineLength

MaxTicLineLength <number>
MaxTicLineLength 79

Set maximum line length in outgoing TICs to number.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: MaxTicLineLength, Up: Keywords

4.1.9 BusyFileDir

BusyFileDir <directory>
BusyFileDir /var/spool/fido/htick.busy/

Where shall be put TICs for busy links (default <outbound>/busy.htk).

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: BusyFileDir, Up: Keywords

4.1.10 ConvertLongNames

ConvertLongNames <Upper|Lower|DontTouch>
ConvertLongNames DontTouch

What to do with long names when toss or hatch. Saying 'long name' we mean a mixed cased name or a name longer than 8.3

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ConvertLongNames, Up: Keywords

4.1.11 ConvertShortNames

ConvertShortNames <Upper|Lower|DontTouch>
ConvertShortNames DontTouch

What to do with short names when toss or hatch. Saying 'short name' we mean a DOS-like name: 8.3, without mixed case.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ConvertShortNames, Up: Keywords

4.1.12 addDLC

addDLC <bool>
addDLC yes

Add Download counters ([000]) to files.bbs. Use with DLCDigits only!

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: addDLC, Up: Keywords

4.1.13 DLCDigits

DLCDigits <number>
DLCDigits 4

How much digits DLC must be. DLC has [000] form.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DLCDigits, Up: Keywords

4.1.14 ticOutbound

ticOutbound <directory>
ticOutbound /var/spool/fido/ticOub

TICs are stored here and killed after transmission. Default: use PassFileAreaDir value

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ticOutbound, Up: Keywords

4.1.15 filefixKillRequests

filefixKillRequests <bool>
filefixKillRequests yes

Kill filefix request after processing.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: filefixKillRequests, Up: Keywords

4.1.16 filefixReportsAttr

filefixReportsAttr <attr>
filefixReportsAttr pvt,kill,loc

Set flags to filefix replies.

Valid attributes are:


Default is "pvt loc k/s npd".

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: filefixReportsAttr, Up: Keywords

4.1.17 BBSarea

BBSarea <name> <bbsareapath>
bbsarea bbs /var/spool/fido/bbsareas/bbs

Filearea without subscribing, not shown in filefix reports. Use for filelist generation only (`htick filelist` command).

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: BBSarea, Up: Keywords

4.1.18 fileDescName

fileDescName <name>
fileDescName file_id.diz

If LDESC is not defined in tic file, use <name> file from archive to fill it (usually file_id.diz).

This statement can be repeated.

4.1.19 Note

unpack action should be defined for archive and contain $f parameter ($f is replaced with file name while unpacking).


     Unpack  "/path/to/unrar e -y -c- -o+ -inul $a $p $f"   0 52617221 # *.rar
     Unpack  "d:\path\unrar  e -y -c- -o+ -inul $a $p $f"  28 52534658 # rar-sfx/DOS
     Unpack "\path\pkzipc -ext -dir=none -over=all -nozip -silent $a $p $f" 0 504b0304
     Unpack "unzip -joLqq $a -d $p" 0 504b0304
     Unpack "pkunzip -njCL $a -d $p $f" 0 504b0304
     Unpack "pkzip25 -ext -silent -over=all -nofix -nozip $a $p $f" 0

Next: , Previous: fileDescName, Up: Keywords

4.1.20 FileAreaCreatePerms

FileAreaCreatePerms <mode>
FileAreaCreatePerms 644

Define permissions for newly created filearea directories (UNIX only)

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileAreaCreatePerms, Up: Keywords

4.1.21 FileFixFromName

FileFixFromName <string>
FileFixFromName FileFix

Originator name in filefix replies.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileFixFromName, Up: Keywords

4.1.22 AutoFileCreateFlag

AutoFileCreateFlag <file>
AutoFileCreateFlag /usr/local/fido/flags/new_filearea

Create flag when filearea has been autocreated.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AutoFileCreateFlag, Up: Keywords

4.1.23 FileFixNames

FileFixNames <string>
FileFixNames allfix filefix htick

Set of names separated by space on which FileFix will respond

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileFixNames, Up: Configuration Reference

4.2 Link Keywords

Next: , Previous: Link Keywords, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.1 fileEchoFlavour

fileEchoFlavour <hold|normal|crash|direct|immediate>
fileEchoFlavour direct

This statement sets the flavour which outgoing files in fileechos for this link get. For example set fileEchoFlavour to hold for points and to crash for uplinks.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: fileEchoFlavour, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.2 fileAreaDefaults

fileAreaDefaults <options> [links]
fileAreaDefaults -lw 100 -g Z 2:5097/31.1

Set defaults for filearea definitions that follow. All options are possible, except areatag and path. Settings in the filearea definition override fileAreaDefaults See also See echoAreaDefaults. Defaults are switched off with empty fileAreaDefaults.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: fileAreaDefaults, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.3 RemoteFileRobotName

RemoteFileRobotName <name>
RemoteFileRobotName allfix

Name of remote filefix robot (needed for FileForwardRequest)

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: RemoteFileRobotName, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.4 noTIC

noTIC <bool>
noTIC yes

Disable TIC File Creation

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: noTIC, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.5 autoFileCreate

autoFileCreate <on|off>
autoFileCreate on

Allow or deny autocreating fileechos received from this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: autoFileCreate, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.6 AutoFileCreateFile

AutoFileCreateFile <file>
AutoFileCreateFile /usr/local/fido/hpt/config.filefix

Specifies the file new filearea definitions will be placed into

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AutoFileCreateFile, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.7 AutoFileCreateDefaults

AutoFileCreateDefaults <string>
AutoFileCreateDefaults -lw 100 -g Z

Specifies the new filearea defaults. Please don't set any paths here, use LinkFileBaseDir for these purposes. See LinkFileBaseDir.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AutoFileCreateDefaults, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.8 AutoFileCreateSubdirs

AutoFileCreateSubdirs <on|off>
AutoFileCreateSubdirs on

Whether to autocreate areas like /filebase/ (off) or /filebase/gfd/app/edit (on). If you want to configure this globally instead of on per-link basis, set this in the deflink section. For more information see 'AutoAreaCreateSubdirs' in the hpt manual.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AutoFileCreateSubdirs, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.9 delNotReceivedTIC

delNotReceivedTIC <on|off>
delNotReceivedTIC on

Remove TIC if file was not received

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: delNotReceivedTIC, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.10 FileFixFSC87Subset

FileFixFSC87Subset <on|off>
FileFixFSC87Subset on

This boolean switch will change on a per link basis how TIC files are processed. By default this switch is ON. htick will then operate only on FSC87-compliant keywords and ignore unknown keywords in the TIC file processed. If this switch is set to OFF all implemented keywords will be used which can (and, in interaction with some tick processors, WILL) lead to severe problems. Unknown keywords found in a TIC file will make htick stop processing that file. If you don't know what all this is about set FileFixFSC87Subset to ON for all your links. It won't hurt.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: FileFixFSC87Subset, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.11 TickerPackToBox

TickerPackToBox <on|off>
TickerPackToBox on

If link has file box - toss files and tics there

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: TickerPackToBox, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.12 LinkFileBaseDir

LinkFileBaseDir <directory>
LinkFileBaseDir /usr/local/fido/fileareas/2.5097.64.0

Where autocreated fileareas will be placed to (may be "passthrough")

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: LinkFileBaseDir, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.13 ForwardFileRequests

ForwardFileRequests <on|off>
ForwardFileRequests on

Allow fileareas forward-requests to this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardFileRequests, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.14 ForwardFilePriority

ForwardFilePriority <number>
ForwardFilePriority 1

Priority in uplinks order for filearea subscribing forward-requests

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardFilePriority, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.15 ForwardFileRequestFile

ForwardFileRequestFile <file>
ForwardFileRequestFile /usr/local/fido/hpt/uplink1.lst

List of available fileareas from this link

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardFileRequestFile, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.16 FileFix

filefix <bool>
filefix off

By default filefix is "on". You can turn off using of filefix by this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: FileFix, Up: Link Keywords

4.2.17 FileFixEchoLimit

FileFixEchoLimit <number>
FileFixEchoLimit 10

Area subscribe limit (max fileareas number this link is allowed to subscribe to)

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: FileFixEchoLimit, Up: Configuration Reference

4.3 FileArea Definition

Next: , Previous: FileArea Definition, Up: FileArea Definition

4.3.1 FileArea

FileArea <name> <fileareapath> [options] <uplink> <downlinks>
FileArea husky /var/spool/fido/fileareas/husky -a 2:5097/31 -p 28 -g Z -d "HUSKY fileecho" 2:5097/64 2:5097/303

Same as EchoArea, most options are valid:

-a <address>
Our own address for this area.
-d "<string>"
Description for this filearea.
-g <group>
Group for this filearea.
Hide area (don't show in %LIST and in an announcement).
Show area in %LIST and in an announcement if fileareadefaults set to -hide.
-lr <number>
"Read level": min link level for sending files from this filearea to this link. Value can't be negative.
-lw <number>
"Write level": Min link level allowed to post into this filearea files received from link. Value can't be negative.
Disallow remote unsubscribe (disable unsubscribe filefix command).
Allow remote unsubscribe (enable unsubscribe filefix command) if fileareadefaults set to -mandatory.
Disallow remote subscribe (disable subscribe filefix command)
Allow remote subscribe (enable subscribe filefix command) if fileareadefaults set to -manual.
Disable CRC check for incoming files.
Enable CRC check for incoming files if fileareadefaults set to -noCRC.
Do not try to get file description from <fileDescName> (for packed files).
Try to get file description from <fileDescName> (for packed files) if fileareadefaults set to -nodiz.
%PAUSE has effect to this filearea.
%PAUSE has no effect to this filearea if fileareadefaults set to -pause.
Don't replace exisiting files in this filearea.
Replace exisiting files in this filearea if fileareadefaults set to -noreplace.
-p <integer>
Purge after n days. Setting to 0 to disables purging (this is default value).
Send files from PassFileAreaDir for non passthrough areas.
Send files from FileArea directory for non passthrough areas if fileareadefaults set to -sendorig.

Next: , Previous: FileArea, Up: Configuration Reference

4.4 Announce System

Htick announcements are selective, they can be different for different fileareas. Token AnnAreaTag starts a new section of announce definition, other tokens define lists of fileareas included into announcement and describe announce message.

To post announcements run htick announce.

You may turn announcements off: just remove AnnounceSpool definition from config.

Next: , Previous: Announce System, Up: Announce System

4.4.1 AnnounceSpool

AnnounceSpool <path>
AnnounceSpool /var/spool/fido/announce

Directory for accumulating report information.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AnnounceSpool, Up: Announce System

4.4.2 AnnAreaTag

AnnAreaTag <AREATAG|@filename>
AnnAreaTag local.announce

Begins new announcement definition section. <AREATAG> is name of an area where annoucement will be placed to; <@filename> is filename with leading '@' where annoucement will be placed to.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AnnAreaTag, Up: Announce System

4.4.3 AnnInclude

AnnInclude <fileecho mask list>
AnnInclude *

Array of fileecho names|masks that will be announced in this annAreaTag. Default: all fileareas.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnInclude, Up: Announce System

4.4.4 AnnExclude

AnnExclude <fileecho mask list>
AnnExclude aftnged

Array of filearea names|masks that won't be announced in this annAreaTag

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnExclude, Up: Announce System

4.4.5 AnnTo

AnnTo <string>
AnnTo All

Announcement message destination name.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnTo, Up: Announce System

4.4.6 AnnFrom

AnnFrom <string>
AnnFrom Announce Robot

Announcement message originator name.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnFrom, Up: Announce System

4.4.7 AnnSubj

AnnSubj <string>
AnnSubj New files arrived

Announcement message subject.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnSubj, Up: Announce System

4.4.8 AnnAddrTo

AnnAddrTo <address>
AnnAddrTo 2:5097/31.1

Announcement message destination address (use for netmail area).

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnAddrTo, Up: Announce System

4.4.9 AnnAddrFrom

AnnAddrFrom <address>
AnnAddrFrom 2:5097/31

Announcement message originator address.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnAddrFrom, Up: Announce System

4.4.10 AnnOrigin

AnnOrigin <string>
AnnOrigin News files!

Origin line in announcement message.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnOrigin, Up: Announce System

4.4.11 AnnMessFlags

AnnMessFlags <string>
AnnMessFlags loc hld

Announcement message flags (k/s loc hld ...).

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnMessFlags, Up: Announce System

4.4.12 AnnFileRFrom

AnnFileRFrom <on|off>
AnnFileRFrom on

Show in announcement: address of system which file was received from.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnFileRFrom, Up: Announce System

4.4.13 AnnFileOrigin

AnnFileOrigin <on|off>
AnnFileOrigin on

Show in announcement: address of system that has hatched file.

This statement can be repeated only for different AnnAreaTag.

Next: , Previous: AnnFileOrigin, Up: Announce System

4.4.14 Announcements example

The following text is taken from a real config file.

     #= Announcements definitions =====================================
     AnnounceSpool   E:\FIDO\EXCH\report
     # report all arrived files to file e:\fido\rep.txt
     AnnAreaTag      @e:\fido\rep.txt
     AnnFileOrigin   on
     # report into area ''
     # files posted to 'union.*' group of fileechos
     AnnInclude      union.*
     AnnSubj         New mp3's arrives
     AnnTo           United mp3 fans
     AnnFrom         Fullfeed Distribution Site
     AnnOrigin       *** seumbieky forever ***
     AnnFileOrigin   on
     AnnFileRfrom    on
     # report 'uue.*' group of fileechos into area ''
     AnnInclude      uue.*
     # report into area ''
     # all other exept of 'uue.* and union.*' groups
     AnnExclude      uue.* union.*
     # report via netmail to defined address
     AnnAreaTag      netmail
     AnnInclude      union.*
     AnnSubj         New mp3's arrives
     AnnTo           Max Inda Houze
     Annaddrto       2:464/108
     AnnFrom         Fullfeed Distribution Site
     Annaddrfrom     2:464/910.108
     AnnOrigin       *** seumbieky forever ***
     AnnMessFlags    k/s loc hld
     AnnFileOrigin   on
     AnnFileRfrom    on
     #= Announces definitions ends ================================

Next: , Previous: Announcements example, Up: Configuration Reference

4.4.15 Common husky keywords

List of keywords used in many husky programs. For details see fidoconfig manual.


Previous: Common husky keywords, Up: Top

Appendix A Configuration File Keyword Index