HPT 1.4 - Highly Portable Tosser

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This document describes HPT 1.4, a Fidonet Message Tosser for OS/2, Windows, BeOS and Unix.

Next: , Previous: Top, Up: Top

1 An Overview on HPT

HPT is a Fidonet message tosser and packer with areafix, written by Matthias Tichy, 2:2432/645@fidonet. Now project supported by Max Levenkov, 2:5000/117@fidonet and Husky Development Team.

Features of HPT:

  1. tossing packets of 2, 2.0 & 2+ types
  2. supporting of Msg, Squish and Jam message bases
  3. posting to net & echo areas
  4. areafix (on the fly, from command line, limit for areas...)
  5. autocreate on the fly
  6. forward requests
  7. pause and autopause for links
  8. linking of net & echo areas
  9. carbon copy
  10. groups & levels for personal and public access to echo areas
  11. powerful dupe checker
  12. link defaults

The advantages of HPT is:

  1. Open Source (GPL)
  2. many supported platforms & operating systems
  3. quick bug fixing

The limitations of HPT is:

  1. OPUS messagebase (type MSG) is limited to 65536 messages, this is SMAPI implementation limit;
  2. PKT password is limited to 8 characters, this is PKT 2+ limit.

Next: , Previous: Overview, Up: Top

2 Installation Procedures and Release Notes

This chapter provides you with information that is necessary to successfully install and use HPT.

I suppose, that you already has compiled binaries. If not - read "Download" or "Compile the Source Code" chapters.

  1. Read FIDOCONFIG documentation about location of config-file
  2. Copy sample config files to config directory
  3. Edit config files for your purposes
  4. Run tparser from FIDOCONFIG package to test your config (read about PublicGroup or AccessGrp if you want to use groups for EchoAreas)
  5. It is simply, isn't it? Enjoy! :-)

Next: , Previous: Installation, Up: Installation

2.1 Download the Source Code & Binary Files

Main page (source code, win32 & os/2 releases) - http://husky.physcip.uni-stuttgart.de/hpt.html
Win32 bins (current, russian) - www.chat.ru/~sirevtov/files
Win32 bins (current, russian) - www.sirevtov.narod.ru

Next: , Previous: Download, Up: Installation

2.2 Compiling the Source Code

1. The smapi and fidoconf packages are required for hpt.

2. Put the fidoconfig ans smapi packages in the directory where the other packages of fido linux reside:

-> smapi/
-> hpt/
-> fidoconfig/

3. Compile and install smapi and fidoconf packages. Use "Makefile" for dynamic executables and makefile.lnx (or what you need) for static ones.

4. Compile and install hpt:

$ make
$ make install
You should use the _same_ makefiles in smapi, fidoconf and hpt.

Next: , Previous: Compiling, Up: Installation

2.3 Support, Contacting the Author, Reporting Bugs, Contributing Code

There are numerous reasons why you might wish to establish contact with me, the author of HPT.

  1. You have decided to use HPT on a regular basis. In this case, please do send me an e-mail at the address listed below. How much time I will spend on developing HPT in the future will heavily depend on the number of mails I receive from users that tell me that they do use HPT.
  2. You have a general questions on how to configure or on how to use a certain feature of HPT. In other words, you need support. In this case, you'd best post your question to one of the following echos:
    The international Husky conference. English is the preferred language here.
    This Russian echo covers Husky Project. I monitor it regularly.
    Russian talks about echoprocessors. I monitor it regularly.

    If you do not have access to any of these echos, you may of course also contact me via netmail or e-mail at the addresses listed below.

  3. You want to report a bug. There are two sorts of bugs:
    1. Normal bugs. You think that a certain function of HPT does not work as expected, e.g. it is producing garbage, or doing strange things, or similar. In this case, either post to the echos listed above, or contact me via netmail. Please do supply all information that is necessary to understand your problem.
    2. Fatal bugs. A fatal bug occurs if HPT crashes. Depending on your operating system, the symptom might be a core dump, or a SYS 3175, or a general protection fault, or a system lockup, or a spontaneous reboot. I do consider a crash untolerable. No matter how stupid things you do, you should not be able to crash HPT.

      If you are experienced user and get core dump, you can send me gdb report. If you have a crash, locate core file that has been generated. Then run $ gdb hpt core, type where. HPT must be compiled with debug information (DEBUG=1 in huskymak.cfg file). Then send report to address below.

      If you are running any other binary version (like Windows), you will not get a core file on a crash. Write down as much information as you can, try to find a way to reproduce the crash and contact me at the addresses below.

  4. You want to contribute to HPT. If you are a programmer and have fixed a problem in {No value for `MSGED'} on your own, please submit your changes to me. The preferred way for doing so is to send me a difference file in GNU diff format (with -c parameter). Your work will be highly appreceated and honored in an appropriate place. If you want to regularly work on HPT, we also have a CVS server online that you can have access to if you like.

    If you want to write a new feature for HPT, please contact me beforehand to avoid that we do duplicate work. Again, I will appreciate and honor eny efforts done by you. Please note that for writing a HPT enhancement, you should be familiar with C. Also, HPT uses a special indentation style throughout the source code, that I would like you to adhere to.

So here are my addresses if you want to get in contact with me:

Previous: Support, Up: Installation

2.4 Credits

Thanks to:

  1. Matthias Tichy (basic code)
  2. Max Levenkov (areafix, group code, carbon copy, code clean up & speed up and more)
  3. Tobias Ernst (some features, stable releases, cvs & www support)
  4. Sacha M. Silbe (features, makefiles)
  5. Kolya Nesterov (unpack, post, link)
  6. Fedor Lizunkov (areafix, autocreate reports, group code, JAM code in SMAPI)
  7. Serguei Revtov (win32 version support, hptlink, features & good patches)
  8. Alexander Vernigora (dupe detection)
  9. Pavel Gulchouk (Perl support, JAM & link hacking)
  10. Alex Semenyaka (netmailExtern, processPkt)
  11. Alex Bronin (win32 patches)
  12. Nikolay Nestyurkin (makefiles)
  13. Lev Serebryakov (new %list)
  14. ... and all other people (sorry, if I've forget somebody)
P.S. all of this people makes bug fixes, so I don't mention it.

Next: , Previous: Installation, Up: Top

3 HPT 1.4 Configuration Reference

HPT based on FIDOCONFIG library, so read documentation of FIDOCONFIG about location of config file and keywords ideology.

Next: , Previous: Configuration Reference, Up: Configuration Reference

3.1 Using config

HPT uses fidoconfig, but not all config statements references to hpt and hpt ignore all unused config statements. The Husky Fidonet Software project concepts is use one config for all fidonet programs.

3.1.1 Predefined config variables

In some cases need use different values for one statement in hpt, htick and/or other husky programs (called modules). It solve using config variable module: hpt define the module variable with value hpt and you may use if-elseif-else-endif conditions statements sequence like as:

     if "[module]"=="hpt"
       Origin   High Portable Tosser at my node
     elseif "[module]"=="htick"
       Origin   High Portable Ticker at my node
       Origin   My node

HPT define config variable version with value set to hpt version like MAJOR.MINOR.PATHLEVEL, i.e. 1.4.1. You may use this variable too for make common config for several hpt versions.

To test config for hpt only you may call tparser tool with parameters -Dmodule=hpt and (if need) -Dversion=1.4.1 (tparser included into fidoconfig package) like this:

     tparser -Dmodule=hpt
     tparser -Dmodule=hpt -Dversion=1.4.1

3.1.2 Statements order

Common rule for config statements order is: Define object before ise it!.


Next: , Previous: Using config, Up: Configuration Reference

3.2 General Keywords

Next: , Previous: Keywords, Up: Keywords

3.2.1 AddToSeen

addToSeen <addr> [<addr> ...]
addToSeen 99/100 99/101

Add <addr> to SEEN-BYs. If <addr> is present or not - it is always adds.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AddToSeen, Up: Keywords

3.2.2 Address

Address <addr>
Address 2:2433/1245

This command specifies which akas your system has. This statement is full 5d compatible, which means you can have also addresses like 2:2433/1245.1@fidonet.org. The first address statement is your main aka which will be used by tossers on different occasions, for example if zone number could not be taken from the @INTL Kludge in netmails.

This statement can be repeated. The domain name is not full supported throughout fidoconfig

Next: , Previous: Address, Up: Keywords

3.2.3 AfterUnpack

afterUnpack <string>
afterUnpack pktpack /home/fido/in.tmp/*.pkt

This <string> executes after unpacking arcmail bundle. You may process your pkt files in tempInbound directory with external utility.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AfterUnpack, Up: Keywords

3.2.4 AreafixFromPkt

areafixFromPkt <bool>

Process areafix requests on the fly. Check "areafix", "areamgr" & "hpt" keywords in toUserName field. Request messages don't saves.

This statement cannot be repeated.

See AreafixNames.

Next: , Previous: AreafixFromPkt, Up: Keywords

3.2.5 AreafixKillRequests

areafixKillRequests <bool>

Delete requests from links to areafix.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixKillRequests, Up: Keywords

3.2.6 AreafixMsgSize

areafixmsgsize <integer>
areafixmsgsize 20

This option set up maximum areafix message size (20 kb). If not defined, areafix reports will be not splitted...

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixMsgSize, Up: Keywords

3.2.7 AreafixNames

AreafixNames <string>
AreafixNames SqaFix, hptfix

Set additional names for areafix robot. Default is "areafix", "areamgr", "hpt".

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixNames, Up: Keywords

3.2.8 AreafixFromName

AreafixFromName <string>
AreafixFromName "HPT AreaFix"

Use value from AreafixFromName in field From when responding on messages to areafix. If this token not defined, name in original message will be used. Example:

     1) AreafixFromName not defined in config:
     Original message to areafix:
     From: Sysop
     To: ArEaFiX
     AreaFix's response:
     From: ArEaFiX
     To: Sysop
     2) AreafixFromName "HPT AreaFix"
     Original message to areafix:
     From: Sysop
     To: ArEaFiX
     AreaFix's response:
     From: HPT AreaFix
     To: Sysop

Also this value is being used when creating reports by qrep command.

Next: , Previous: AreafixFromName, Up: Keywords

3.2.9 AreafixOrigin

areafixOrigin <string>
areafixOrigin c0()1 $tAt10n

the origin string in areafix reports will be like this: * Origin: c0()1 $tAt10n (<your addr>)

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixOrigin, Up: Keywords

3.2.10 AreafixReportsAttr

AreafixReportsAttr <attr>
AreafixReportsAttr pvt,loc,kill

Set attributes to areafix reports.

Valid attributes are:


Default is "pvt loc k/s npd".

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixReportsAttr, Up: Keywords

3.2.11 AreafixSplitStr

areafixSplitStr <string>
areafixSplitStr > Message splitted. To be continued...

This string added after splitted areafix messages.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixSplitStr, Up: Keywords

3.2.12 AreafixQueryReports

areafixQueryReports <bool>
areafixQueryReports off

This statement enables/disables including linked areas list into all areafix replies.

Default: off.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixQueryReports, Up: Keywords

3.2.13 AreafixQueueFile

AreafixQueueFile <string>
areafixQueueFile /fido/datafiles

This command specifies the queue file containing your delayed forward-requests. Hpt must have read/write rights for this file. To use this feature run hpt qupd periodically.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixQueueFile, Up: Keywords

3.2.14 AreasFileNameCase

areasFileNameCase (Lower|Upper)
areasFileNameCase Upper

This statement defines case of filemanes of autocreated areas. Default is lower case.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreasFileNameCase, Up: Keywords

3.2.15 AutoAreaCreateFlag

autoareacreateflag <file>
autoareacreateflag /etc/ftn/flags/aac.flag

Create file-flag after autocreating echo area. This feature can be used for execute some scripts after tossing.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AutoAreaCreateFlag, Up: Keywords

3.2.16 AutoPassive

autopassive <bool>

If this statement is defined HPT will check for old bundles in every run. Fileboxes are not checked. Links, for which there are bundles that are at least "AutoPause" days old, will be paused. It stops exporting echomail for them. If AutoPause is not defined or is equal to 0 for a link then AutoPassive is ignored for this link. If AutoPassive is not defined then AutoPause is ignored for all links.

The paused link is unsubscribed from the passthrough echo areas with no downlinks besides him. An unsubscribe request is sent to the uplink. Note that this feature is unavailable when using %PAUSE Areafix command.

By using "hpt pause" command-line parameter instead of defining AutoPassive in the configuration file, you can do the check for old bundles and all the rest of the functionality of AutoPassive only once.

This statement cannot be repeated.

See also AutoPause and Pause sections.

Next: , Previous: AutoPassive, Up: Keywords

3.2.17 BeforePack

beforePack <string>
beforePack pktpack /home/fido/out.tmp/*.pkt

This <string> executes before packing pkt files to arcmail bundles. You may process your pkt files in tempOutbound directory with external utility.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: BeforePack, Up: Keywords

3.2.18 BundleNameStyle

bundleNameStyle <timeStamp | addrDiff | addrsCRC32 | addrDiffAlways | addrsCRC32Always | Amiga>
bundleNameStyle timeStamp

This statement sets rule for creating names of arcmail bundles:

some kind of random names (current time + some counter).
create name from difference of source and destination addreses. Always the same filename for every pair of links. Automatically switched to timeStamp when all alowed extensions were used.
create name from CRC32 of string composed from "hpt", source and destination addreses. Always the same filename for every pair of links, very unique. Automatically switched to timeStamp when all alowed extensions were used.
the same as addrDiff but tryes to use lower free numbers of extension in case when all higher numbers are already busy.
the same as addrsCRC32 but tryes to use lower free numbers of extension in case when all higher numbers are already busy.
Amiga Style Outbound (ASO). Bundles creates in Outbound directory like this:

If SeparateBundles on and Packer not defined pkt moves to 2.5000.117.1.sep directory.

Extensions & prefixes in flo files creates as in addrDiffAlways algorythm.

Default value is timeStamp

This statement cannot be repeated.

See also See LinkBundleNameStyle.

Next: , Previous: BundleNameStyle, Up: Keywords

3.2.19 CreateAreasCase

createAreasCase (Lower|Upper)
createAreasCase Upper

This statement defines case of areanames in autocreation. Default is lower case.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CreateAreasCase, Up: Keywords

3.2.20 CreateFwdNonPass

createFwdNonPass <bool>

Autocreate non-passthru echoes in forward request operations. MsgBaseDir should be not passthrough!

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CreateFwdNonPass, Up: Keywords

3.2.21 DefArcmailSize

defarcmailsize <integer>
defarcmailsize 1024

default arcmail size in kb for all links. 500kb if not defined.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DefArcmailSize, Up: Keywords

3.2.22 DisableTID

DisableTID <bool>

Don't add TID-line to scanned messages.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DisableTID, Up: Keywords

3.2.23 DisablePID

DisablePID <bool>

Don't add PID-line to generated messages.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DisablePID, Up: Keywords

3.2.24 ForwardRequestTimeout

ForwardRequestTimeout <number>
ForwardRequestTimeout 7

This statement specifies time to wait (in days) for echoarea requested from uplink. If there is no traffic in this echoarea, hpt qupd unsubscribes area from this uplink and subscribes to it at next uplink. If next uplink for this echoarea not avaiable, hpt qupd removes echoarea from queue.

To use this feature run hpt qupd daily.

Default is 7 days.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ForwardRequestTimeout, Up: Keywords

3.2.25 IdlePassthruTimeout

IdlePassthruTimeout <number>
IdlePassthruTimeout 3

This statement specifies time to wait (in days) before unsubscribing echoarea from uplink after the time last downlink unsubscribed (one uplink rest).

To use this feature run hpt qupd daily.

Default is 3 days.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: IdlePassthruTimeout, Up: Keywords

3.2.26 IgnoreCapWord

IgnoreCapWord <bool>

Ignoring Capability Word in pkt files. If some pkt moved to bad. This may help, but not recommended. It is better to change old software.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: IgnoreCapWord, Up: Keywords

3.2.27 IgnoreSeen

IgnoreSeen <addr> [<addr> ...]
IgnoreSeen 99/150

Ignore this SEEN-BY & pack mail for link. But no pack it back if the mail was from him.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: IgnoreSeen, Up: Keywords

3.2.28 KeepTrsFiles

keepTrsFiles <bool>

Leave transit (routed) files in Inbound directory. If this statement is ommitted transit files wouldn't be kept. Default is "off".

File route possible with "Att" attribute in message header and file name in subject line.

This statement cannot be repeated.

See RouteFile.

Next: , Previous: KeepTrsFiles, Up: Keywords

3.2.29 KeepTrsMail

keepTrsMail <bool>

Save transit messages in NetmailArea. If this statement is ommitted transit messages wouldn't be kept in NetmailArea. Default is "off".

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: KeepTrsMail, Up: Keywords

3.2.30 KilledRequestTimeout

KilledRequestTimeout <number>
KilledRequestTimeout 4

This statement specified time wait (days) for delete from config echoarea after unsubscribe it from uplink (last link). Run hpt qupd daily for use this feature.

Default is 4 days.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: KilledRequestTimeout, Up: Keywords

3.2.31 KludgeAreaNetmail

kludgeAreaNetmail <kill | ignore | echomail>
kludgeAreaNetmail kill

Default is "kill"

If message started with "AREA:NETMAIL" we have three ways:

1. kill this kludge. process message as netmail. 2. ignore this kludge. process message as netmail. 3. process message as echomail.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: KludgeAreaNetmail, Up: Keywords

3.2.32 LinkWithImportLog

linkWithImportLog <yes | no | kill>
linkWithImportLog yes

This statement specifies if the importlog-file should be used to determine which echomail areas need to be linked.

importlog-file will be read. areas which are in importlog, will be linked. the importlog-file will not be erased.
like yes, but the importlog-file will be killed after using it.
DEFAULT. all areas will be linked.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: LinkWithImportLog, Up: Keywords

3.2.33 LogEchoToScreen

logEchoToScreen <bool>

Enable or disable log messages screen output. See also See ScreenLogLevels.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: LogEchoToScreen, Up: Keywords

3.2.34 LogLevels

loglevels <string>
loglevels 345789

In example we output to log messages with levels 3,4,5,7,8,9. The log levels are following:

The log levels are following:

1 - Program start, end;
2 - dupecheck
3 - linking messages
4 - scanning messages
5 - posting messages
6 - execute strings
7 - bundles, pkts, links, freqs, file routing, file attachs, msg packing
8 - areafix, relink, autocreate
9 - error messages (critical: exit on error)
0 - creation of file-flags
A - (reserved for) trivial error messages (print message and continue execution)
B - warnings & alerts
C - informational messages
D - (reserved for) statistics
E - summary
F - print program name & version
G - message send/sent
H - (reserved for) recoding operations & recoding tables read/write
I - Generate or check MSGID
J - Echomail phase
K - Filebox phase
L - Netmail phase
M - File create
N - File delete
O - operations with opened file (read, write, seek, ...)
P - Directory operations (create, delete, rename, ...)
R - Truncate file
S - File send/sent
T - Test files (exist, permittions, etc.)
U - Functions calls (enter to func & leave from it)
V - reserved
W - reserved
X - Filenames construct
Y - reserved
Z - debug messages: source lines (functions control points).
a-z - debug messages

Default value: 1234567890ABCDEF

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: LogLevels, Up: Keywords

3.2.35 Name

name <string>
name Leetebrok BBS

Here you specify your Systems name.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Name, Up: Keywords

3.2.36 NetmailFlag

netmailFlag <file>
netmailFlag /etc/ftn/flags/netmail

Create file-flag after unpacking netmail msg. This feature can be used for execute netmail trackers after tossing.

This file also created after scannig NetmailArea without route definition. Scanning is stopped but file-flag created for netmail tracker.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: NetmailFlag, Up: Keywords

3.2.37 NewAreaRefuseFile

newAreaRefuseFile <file>
newAreaRefuseFile /etc/ftn/areas/dontcrte.lst

This token defines a file which will be used when autocreating echoarea. File contains list of areas which we don't allow to autocreate. Each line of this file is a mask of echotag.



This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: NewAreaRefuseFile, Up: Keywords

3.2.38 NoProcessBundles

noProcessBundles <bool>

Don't unpack arcmail bundles.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: NoProcessBundles, Up: Keywords

3.2.39 Origin

origin <string>
origin mega cool station

Add this Origin to hpt messages: post, reports about new areas created, areafix (if no areafixOrigin defined).

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Origin, Up: Keywords

3.2.40 Pack

Pack zip|tgz|rar|arc|arj|..... <call>
Pack zip zip -9 -g -q $a $f

This statement sets the command line call for the packer. The file will be moved into the archive, that means the file will be deleted on the harddisk. It only remains in the archive.

$a will be replaced by the archive file.

$f will be replaced by the file which should be packed into the archive.

This statement can be repeated.

3.2.41 Warning

You can't use shell input-output redirection chars under DOS or Win* platforms: hpt implementation uses workaround for command.com bug and doesn't run command.com to execute external commands such as packers/unpackers. hpt calls OS function to execute them instead of command.com.

Next: , Previous: Pack, Up: Keywords

3.2.42 PackNetMailOnScan

PackNetMailOnScan <bool>
PackNetMailOnScan off

When PackNetMailOnScan is "on" (default) hpt packs netmail when doing "hpt scan" and netmail area is found in EchoTossLog file. When it is "off" hpt leaves netmail area(s) in EchoTossLog file until "hpt pack" is invoked.

This statement can be repeated (overwrides old setting).

Next: , Previous: PackNetMailOnScan, Up: Keywords

3.2.43 ProcessPkt

processPkt <string>
processPkt pktdate

Space char and name of the current file "*.pkt" will be append into end of <string> and <string> willl be executed before tossing each pkt file. You are able to fix your pkts using pktdate or any other tool before tossing them. Note that pkt file may be renamed depending of tossingExt token value.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ProcessPkt, Up: Keywords

3.2.44 PublicGroup

PublicGroup <string>[,<string>,...]
PublicGroup local,a,b,othernet

This is a list of groups for public echo access.

This statement cannot be repeated.


The area without group defined is public echo.

Next: , Previous: PublicGroup, Up: Keywords

3.2.45 Remap

Remap <ToName>,<ToAddress>,<NewAddress>

Remap mail to other address. ToName OR ToAddress can be replaced with asterisk to match any value of ToName or ToAddress. Two asterisks can't be defined together. This statement does not touch TOPT & FMPT kludges and should be used to change destination adress to your direct link only. E.g. don't route remap'ed message indirect!

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Remap, Up: Keywords

3.2.46 ReportTo

ReportTo <string>
ReportTo netmail

Set name of echoarea or netmailarea for autocreate reports.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ReportTo, Up: Keywords

3.2.47 RobotsArea

robotsArea <string>
robotsArea SecondNetMail

This area used for areafix scanning. Replyes from areafix will be also stored here. RobotsArea must be NetmailArea for security purposes!

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: RobotsArea, Up: Keywords

3.2.48 Route

route <flavour> <target> <linkWW> [<linkWW> ...]
route crash 2:2433/1245 2:2433/* 2:2432/*

This statement defines a route.


  1. hold (.hlo)
  2. normal (.out)
  3. crash (.clo)
  4. direct (.dlo)
  5. immediate (.ilo)


  1. <addr> - mail routed to this address
  2. host - mail routed to zone:net/0.0 address
  3. hub - hub-routing does not use the hubs defined in the nodelist but uses the nodes: addr - (addr.node %100). e.g.: a mail to node 2:2433/1245 is send to 2:2433/1200, but a mail to node 2:2433/355 is send to 2:2433/300 which currently does not exist. BE CAREFUL!
  4. boss - mail routed to zone:net/node.0 address
  5. no-route (noroute) - direct route according to current flavour
  6. no-pack (nopack) - don't process this mail

linkWW is a dos pattern with ? and *.

Route statements are parsed in descending order: Pseudo-code:

       1) actual = first statement
       2) if linkWWW = msg-destination using pattern matching
       2a) take this routing and return
       2b) else actual = next statement
       3) jump to 2)

NOTE! This statement defined after "links" section.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Route, Up: Keywords

3.2.49 RouteFile

routeFile <flavour> <target> <linkWW> [<linkWW> ...]
routeFile crash 2:2433/1245 2:2433/* 2:2432/*

This statement is the same as the Route statement, but considers only msgs with file attaches. Files are routed with netmail msgs. If no RouteFile defined, then files will be not routed at all!

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: RouteFile, Up: Keywords

3.2.50 RouteMail

routeMail <flavour> <target> <linkWW> [<linkWW> ...]
routeMail crash 2:2433/1245 2:2433/* 2:2432/*

This statement is the same as the Route statement.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: RouteMail, Up: Keywords

3.2.51 ScreenLogLevels

screenloglevels <string>
screenloglevels 2345789

Set level of log output to screen. See loglevels for details

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ScreenLogLevels, Up: Keywords

3.2.52 SeparateBundles

SeparateBundles <bool>

Move echomail for all links to his own directorys.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: SeparateBundles, Up: Keywords

3.2.53 SetConsoleTitle

SetConsoleTitle <bool>

Set hpt console title while tossing. (WIN32 Only!)

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: SetConsoleTitle, Up: Keywords

3.2.54 Sysop

sysop <string>
sysop Matthias Tichy

You specify your name with this keyword.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Sysop, Up: Keywords

3.2.55 TearLine

tearline <string>
tearline We Love HPT! :)

Add this tearline to hpt messages (post, reports about new areas created)

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: TearLine, Up: Keywords

3.2.56 TossingExt

TossingExt [<string>]
TossingExt tos

Extension of bundle & packet files will be changed to <string> before tossing (and before processPkt string executed if set). That may be used for preventing of permanent tossing fault because of bad file in inbound. Default extension: tos. TossingExt without parameter disables files renaming in tossing.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Previous: TossingExt, Up: Keywords

3.2.57 Unpack

Unpack "<call>" <offset> <matchcode>
Unpack "unzip -joLqq $a -d $p" 0 504b0304

This statement sets the call of certain unpackers according to a id in the archive file

call: see pack

offset: position of recognition string in packed file.

match code: recognition string for packed file, ?? can be used as don't care

$a will be replaced by the archive file.

$p will be replaced by the temp inbound path.

$f will be replaced by the description file name if any (used by htick, see 'FileDescName' token)

     e.g.: unpack "unzip -joLqq $a -d $p $f" 0 504b0304
            files packed by zip can be recognized by
              504b0304(hex) at offset 0(integer)
            they can be unpacked by
            "unzip -joLqq <filename> -d <path> <descrption_filename>"

This statement can be repeated.

3.2.58 Warning

You can't use shell input-output redirection chars under DOS or Win* platforms: hpt implementation uses workaround for command.com bug and doesn't run command.com to execute external commands such as packers/unpackers. hpt calls OS function to execute them instead of command.com.

Next: , Previous: Keywords, Up: Configuration Reference

3.3 Files and Paths

Next: , Previous: Files and Paths, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.1 AdvisoryLock

AdvisoryLock <integer>
AdvisoryLock 10

If value AdvisoryLock > 0, then HPT checks if LockFile is locked by another session of HPT or not. Program will not be terminated if the original process which created LockFile is running. Second instance of hpt will check LockFile for locking number of times defined by AdvisoryLock with period of 1 second. And if the file exists, but not locked (stale), HPT will be running... If AdvisoryLock = 0, advisorylock is off.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Don't use this under BeOS! (there is no locking mechanism).

See LockFile.

Next: , Previous: AdvisoryLock, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.2 AdvStatisticsFile

AdvStatisticsFile <filename>
AdvStatisticsFile /home/val/fido/log/hpt.sta

Define binary statistic file for calculating links and echo trafic. Parsed by hpt/misc/adv-stat-hpt.pl

Next: , Previous: AdvStatisticsFile, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.3 AreafixHelp

areafixhelp <file>
areafixhelp /etc/ftn/areafix.hlp

This is help file, which sends to link if he requests "%HELP".

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreafixHelp, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.4 AreasMaxDupeAge

areasMaxDupeAge <integer>
areasMaxDupeAge 10

Set maximum days for storing you hashes in CommonDupeBase. Default value is 5.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: AreasMaxDupeAge, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.5 DupeBaseType

dupeBaseType <TextDupes | HashDupes | HashDupesWMsgId | CommonDupeBase>
dupeBaseType HashDupesWMsgId
stores from, to, subj & msgid as text lines.
stores src32 of from + to + subj + msgid.
same as HashDupes, but stores also msgid as text.
stores hashes of from + to + subj + areatag + msgid in one file (hpt_base.dpa)

Default is HashDupesWMsgId.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DupeBaseType, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.6 DupeHistoryDir

dupeHistoryDir <path>
dupeHistoryDir /var/spool/fido/dupes

This command specifies the path where the dupe history files are stored. The format and the names of the dupe-files are not standardized.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DupeHistoryDir, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.7 EchoTossLog

echotosslog <file>
echotosslog /var/spool/fido/echotoss.log

This statement specifies the file which is filled by a message editor or "hpt post" with the names of the areas where new netmails or echomails have been entered. Each line contains one areaname. When "hpt scan" is invoked, only echomail areas listed in this file will be scanned, when we start "hpt pack" - the same is for netmail areas. If area was processed, its name is removed from echotosslog file. When hpt has finished processing all listed areas and this file became empty, it is removed, otherwise kept for futher processing (maybe by other programs). If this file is not found - all areas will be scaned (depending on value of PackNetMailOnScan). See PackNetMailOnScan, but if '-f' command line flag specified, scanning will stop. Filename after -f is optional. If it is not set, value of EchoTossLogFile will be taken from config, and from command line otherwise. If scanning from EchoTossLogFile did not make any area scanning, all areas will be processed (depending on 'scan' or 'pack' mode)

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: EchoTossLog, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.8 FileBoxesDir

FileBoxesDir <directory>
FileBoxesDir ../boxes

This statement specifies directory where link file boxes are placed (and created if necessary). Currnetly hpt creates file box names in form z.n.f.p (ex.: 2.5021.19.1). Trailing ".h" is added if link echomail flavour is "hold".

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: FileBoxesDir, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.9 HptPerlFile

hptperlfile <file>
hptperlfile /etc/ftn/filter.pl

This statement specifies the file which contains perl filter functions. If not specified, perl support will be switched off.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: HptPerlFile, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.10 ImportLog

importlog <file>
importlog /var/spool/fido/import.log

This statement specifies the file which a tosser fills with the names of the areas where echomails has been tossed in.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ImportLog, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.11 Inbound

inbound <path>
inbound /var/spool/fido/in

This command specifies where your inbound files are stored. This directory is the base directory which means if you have a connection which is not protected and the other system is not listed. The files go in here. Only non-packed netmails are tossed from this inbound.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Inbound, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.12 Include

include <file>
include /etc/fido/areas

You can include other files into your config file. For example if you would like to have different config parts, you can include a file and (via cron job or manually) change the content of this file without changing the rest of the config. Additionally you can split your config in different parts. So you can have your fileareas definition in another file than your msgareas definition. This gives your the ability to have some survey about your config.

This statement can be repeated. But dont make recursive includes. eg include a file which includes another which includes the first. Although this will be detected and fixed many times, there is a chance that it will not be detected one time.

Next: , Previous: Include, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.13 Intab

intab <file>
intab /var/spool/fido/recode/outaltkoi8

This statement specifies the file which should be used to recode the characters of the incoming messages from transport to internal charset. It is useful in russia. If you do not use this statement no recoding will be done.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Intab, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.14 LocalInbound

localinbound <path>
localinbound /var/spool/fido/in.loc

This command specifies the path, from which all types of netmail and echomail are tossed without any password checking. You can put pkt´s here which were created by a file tosser etc. So created by a you or a programm on your own system.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: LocalInbound, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.15 LockFile

lockfile <file>
lockfile /var/lock/hpt.lock

Another session of HPT will be terminated if the LockFile is exists (default setting).

This statement cannot be repeated.

See AdvisoryLock.

Next: , Previous: LockFile, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.16 LogFileDir

logFileDir <path>
logFileDir /var/spool/log/fido

This command specifies the path where the log-files of the fido-programs should be stored.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: LogFileDir, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.17 MinDiskFreeSpace

MinDiskFreeSpace <integer>
MinDiskFreeSpace 10

This is the minimum disk free space in MB to run HPT. The following directories are checked: TempInbound, MsgBaseDir, LinkMsgBaseDirs.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: MinDiskFreeSpace, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.18 MsgBaseDir

msgBaseDir <path>
msgBaseDir /var/spool/fido/msgb

This command specifies the path where msgBases of autocreated areas are stored. For example: if an area called LINUX.GER was autocreated and the msgBaseDir is /var/spool/fido/msgb the resulting msgBaseName is


If you specify the msgbasedir as PASSTHROUGH, the areas will be created as passthrough areas.

This statement cannot be repeated.

See LinkMsgBaseDir.

Next: , Previous: MsgBaseDir, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.19 NotValidFileNameChars

NotValidFileNameChars <string>
NotValidFileNameChars :;<>=*?\/

This characters in message and dupebase filenames will be replaced with %hex analogs. If not defined, default string used: "*/:;<=>?\|%`'&+

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: NotValidFileNameChars, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.20 Outbound

outbound <path>
outbound /var/spool/fido/out

This command specifies your outbound path. This outbound path is binkley-style. A binkley style outbound consists of a base path and subdirectories. Each subdirectory represents a place for all the files for one zone. The base path is the zone path for your base zone.


This directory contains the files for your base zone.
This directory contains the files for zone 3.
This directory contains the files for zone 10.

The zone directory contains the flow-files for each node. A Flow-file of a node has the name NNNNFFFF.?lo

The 4-digit hex-number of the nodes netnumber.
The 4-digit hex-number of the nodes nodenumber.
Here the flavour of the mails can be chosen. h-hold, c-crash, f-normal, d-direct, i-immediate.

For points there is a subdirectory with nodes flowfilename with suffix.pnt. In this subdirectory the flowfiles have the names PPPPPPPP ( 8-digit point number in hex).

For a deeper background on a binkley-style outbound see the binkley-term documentation and source code.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Outbound, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.21 Outtab

outtab <file>
outtab /var/spool/fido/recode/outkoi8alt

This statement specifies the file which should be used to recode the characters of the outgoing messages from internal to transport charset. It is useful in russia. If you do not use this statement no recoding will be done.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Outtab, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.22 ProtInbound

protinbound <path>
protinbound /var/spool/fido/in.sec

This command specifies where files should be stored which were received during a password-protected session. All types of mail are tossed from this path. But passwords are checked before.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: ProtInbound, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.23 RulesDir

rulesdir <path>
rulesdir /home/ftn/rules

This statement specifies where areafix searches for files with echoarea rules which are sent to link via netmail when link is subscribed to areas. File name is the same as message base file with trailing ".rul" (and consistently .ru1-.ru9 files with additional information). Areaname is used when no message base file is set. See also NoRules statement to avoid areafix from sending rules to link.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: RulesDir, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.24 StatLog

statlog <file>
statlog /var/spool/fido/stat.log

After tossing (hpt toss), it is checked if there is new personal mail (netmail or personal echo mail). If that's true, it is checked if statlog is defined in config. If yes, then it is checked if the log file exists. If not, then it is created and the number of received netmails or/and personal echo mails is written to the log file. Otherwise, if the file exists, the old counter will be read, added to the new counter and written the actual counter. The log file looks like this: netmail: x CC: x Whereas x is the number of mails. If the log file exists, one of the two or both lines exist.

This is for utils, which can show you how many personal mail you got. The log file is not removed by hpt, only by the util that uses it. Or you could write in your toss script something like this: if exist stat.log type stat.log if exist stat.log del stat.log>nul

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: StatLog, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.25 TempInbound

tempinbound <path>
tempinbound /var/spool/fido/in.tmp

This command specifies a path which is used while tossing. The incoming packets are unpacked there.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Previous: TempInbound, Up: Files and Paths

3.3.26 TempOutbound

tempoutbound <path>
tempoutbound /var/spool/fido/out.tmp

This command specifies your temporary outbound path. It is used for storing outgoing pkt-files before packing.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Files and Paths, Up: Configuration Reference

3.4 Link Keywords

Next: , Previous: Link Keywords, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.1 AccessGrp

accessgrp <string>[,<string>...]
accessgrp A,B,C,Local

This statement connects a link to several echomail groups. See also PublicGroup and -g <group> in echoarea options.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AccessGrp, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.2 AdvancedAreafix

advancedareafix <bool>
advancedareafix on

If this statement is "on" and our system wants to detele area from remote config then unsubscribe messages to areafix robot of this link looks like "~areaname". The area on the remote system will be deleted from config file, if our system is allowed to delete this area ("allow area delete" in FastEcho, and LinkGrp must be the same as EchoArea's -g <group> in HPT).

Our system sends deleting command only for systems with AdvancedAreafix and only when default uplink (-def) unsubscribing from EchoArea or some link deleting this area by command "~areaname". Of course if this link has the rights to delete this area.

If this "AdvancedAreafix off" (default), then deleting command looks like "-areaname".

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AdvancedAreafix, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.3 Aka

aka <addr>
aka 2:2433/1245

This statement sets the aka for the current link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Aka, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.4 AllowEmptyPktPwd

allowEmptyPktPwd <off|secure|on>
allowEmptyPktPwd on

This flag is useful if you want to generate packet passwords for this link, but do not want to check the packet passwords that your link sends to you. This is sometimes necessary as a workaraound if your link sends you netmail packets without packet passwords, for example.

The default state is off. In this case the incoming packet password must match the packet password that you defined. Otherwise only netmail will be processed if packet is being tossed from secure inbound. This is the most secure option.

If you set this switch to secure, packets that do not contain a packet password and are received in the protected inbound will be processed. You can use this if your uplink sometimes sends you packets without packet passwords, as a workaround until the uplink has fixed his system. Still, if you receive packets with wrong packet passwords, they will be rejected.

The setting on works like the secure setting, with the difference that packets without packet passwords are allowed even in the unprotected inbound directory. It is not recommended to use this setting.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AllowEmptyPktPwd, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.5 AllowPktAddrDiffer

allowPktAddrDiffer <bool>
allowPktAddrDiffer on

This keyword is useful if your link has more than one addresses, and therefore the address in PKT header of his areafix request may be different from the address in MSG header.

The default state if off: in this case such letters won't be processed by your areafix. The state on makes areafix ignore this error.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AllowPktAddrDiffer, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.6 ArcmailSize

arcmailsize <integer>
arcmailsize 300

Maximum arcmail size in kb for this link. Default is 500kb.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ArcmailSize, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.7 ArcNetmail

arcnetmail <bool>
arcnetmail on

This keyword is useful if you want to compress netmail for this link and pack it into arcmail bundles or to filebox like echomail. Netmail will compress only if its flavour is equial with EchoMailFlavour for this link.

The default state if off: in this case netmail will be written to ut-file (i.e. *.?ut) and will not compressed.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ArcNetmail, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.8 Areafix

areafix <bool>
areafix off

By default areafix is "on". You can turn off using of areafix by this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Areafix, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.9 AreafixEchoLimit

areafixecholimit <integer>
areafixecholimit 50

This is maximum echo areas which can be subscribed via areafix for this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AreafixEchoLimit, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.10 AreafixPwd

areafixpwd [<string>]
areafixpwd geheim

This statement sets the areafix password for the actual link. An empty statement is allowed.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AreafixPwd, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.11 AutoAreaCreate

autoareacreate <bool>
autoareacreate on

This statement gives a link the permission to create areas on your system just by sending msgs in them. The echoarea is created using the AutoAreaCreateDefaults contents:

        EchoArea <areaName> <msgBaseDir><areaName> -a <mypktaddr> -b Squish <linkAddr> <autoAreaCreateDefaults>

Default message base type is Squish. But you can set "-b Jam" or "-b Msg" in AutoAreaCreateDefaults

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AutoAreaCreate, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.12 AutoAreaCreateFile

autoAreaCreateFile <file>
autoAreaCreateFile /etc/fido/areas.matthias

This statement defines where autocreated areas by this link are going to. If you omit this statement the default configuration file will be used. The tosser must have the rights to create and change the file.

You must include the specified file for yourself into fidoconfig, so these autocreated areas will be found in subsequent tosser-runs.

autoAreaCreateFile and Include strings must be the *same*.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AutoAreaCreateFile, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.13 AutoAreaCreateDefaults

autoareacreatedefaults <string>
autoareacreatedefaults -$m 200 -dupecheck move

Set defaults to autocreated echoareas. To create PASSTHROUGH areas you can add "passthrough" to AutoAreaCreateDefaults.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AutoAreaCreateDefaults, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.14 AutoAreaCreateSubdirs

autoareacreatesubdirs <bool>
autoareacreatesubdirs on

This switch is turned off by default. When turned off, hpt will create a flat message base. This means that a file echo ‘FIDOSOFT.HUSKY’ would be created in the message base directory with a base file name of fidosoft.husky, like in /var/spool/msgbase/fidosoft.husky.sqd and so on.

When turned on, a structured message base will be created. Each dot in the echo name is treated as directory separator. Thus, ‘FIDOSOFT.HUSKY’ would be created with a base name of husky in the fidosoft directory, e.g. /var/spool/msgbase/fidosoft/husky.sqd.

Please note that this option will not currently work if the -dosfile option is used to create filenames in 8.3 convention. See EchoArea, for more information on the -dosfile option.

Next: , Previous: AutoAreaCreateSubdirs, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.15 AutoPause

autopause <integer>
autopause 10

AutoPause sets the number of days after which HPT will stop exporting echomail for the link if he has not fetched his echomail for this period of time. AutoPassive should be defined for AutoPause to take effect.

Technically, if you define "autopause 10" for a link then HPT looks for 10 (or more) days old files that are listed to be sent for this link in the .?lo files with `#' or `^' prefixes and reside in the outbound directory. If at least one such file exists, exporting echomail for the link is paused.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

See also AutoPassive and Pause sections.

Next: , Previous: AutoPause, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.16 AvailList

AvailList (Full|Unique|UniqueOne)
AvailList Full

This statement specify variant for reply to %avail command for current link:

* Full produce full areas list for each uplink with avaiable forward subscribe for link
* Unique like Full but exclude dulicated areas for each next uplink
* UniqueOne produce one list: all areas from all uplinks without duplicates

Default value is AvailList Full.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: AvailList, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.17 DenyFwdFile

denyFwdFile <file>
denyFwdFile /etc/fido/denyfwd

Don't forward requests for areas from this file. Pattern matching does not supporting!

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: DenyFwdFile, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.18 DenyFwdMask

denyfwdmask <string>[,<string> ...]
denyfwdmask TYT.*, *FLAME*

Don't forward this requests.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: DenyFwdMask, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.19 DenyFwdReqAccess

denyFwdReqAccess <bool>

Don't allow forward requests from this link (via areafix) to your links.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: DenyFwdReqAccess, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.20 DenyUncondFwdReqAccess

denyUncondFwdReqAccess <bool>

Don't allow unconditional forward requests from this link (via areafix) to your links.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: DenyUncondFwdReqAccess, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.21 EchoMailFlavour

echoMailFlavour <hold | normal | crash | direct | immediate>
echoMailFlavour hold

This statement sets the flavour which outgoing echomails for this link get. For example set echomailFlavour for points to hold and for uplink crash.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: EchoMailFlavour, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.22 Export

export <bool>
export off

By default "Export on".

If "export" is "off", mail for groups defined in OptGrp not tossed to link and if OptGrp not defined, then no mail tossed to link at all.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Export, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.23 ForwardAreaPriority

forwardAreaPriority <integer>
forwardAreaPriority 1

By default forward requests processing for links in order as they defined in config. But you can set priority for some links... "1" is the first link to forward requests, "2" is the second, etc.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardAreaPriority, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.24 ForwardPkts

forwardPkts <off|secure|on>
forwardPkts yes

If we receive a PKT file that is not addressed to our system, but to this link of us, this flag controls if the PKT file should be binary forwarded to this link. The default behaviour is not to forward the pkt file, but to remain it to <filename>.ntu and leave it in the inbound. If you specify <yes>, the file will instead be forwarded to the destination link (i.E. put into his arcmail bundle). If you specify <secure>, the file will only be forwarded if we have received it in the secure inbound. You should specify secure if the destination link does not check packet passwords.

PKT forwarding can be useful for tunneling purposes, for instance. Another example is if you are running two nodes, one IP node at your company and one PSTN node at your home. If you want to show both node numbers at both mailers, the tossers at each node must forward PKT files that are addressed to the other node, because they themselves cannot process it (each tosser has a different node number, because the systems operate on distinct outbound structures and distinct message base areas).

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardPkts, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.25 ForwardRequestFile

forwardRequestFile <file>
forwardRequestFile /etc/fido/fidonet.na

File for forward requests (also for available areas and descriptions). If file contains area descriptions they will be used when autocreating areas. If not defined then forward requests unconditional.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardRequestFile, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.26 ForwardRequestMask

forwardrequestmask <string>[,<string> ...]
forwardrequestmask nsk.*

If area nsk.* (nsk.test for example) will be requested by downlink and forwardrequests to uplink are allowed, then it is created and request goes to uplink. If area doesn't covered by mask list, then checks the next link for forwardRrequests.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: ForwardRequestMask, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.27 ForwardRequests

forwardRequests <bool>
forwardRequests on

By default "forwardRequests off". "On" allow forward requests to this link from other links. If no forwardRequestFile or forwardRequestMask defined, then forwardRequests unconditional.

LinkGrp can deny access to some links...

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

See LinkGrp.

Next: , Previous: ForwardRequests, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.28 FileBox

FileBox <directory>
FileBox boxes/2.5021.19.1

This statement defines directory where outgoing files for link would be putten instead of putting them in Outbound tree. See also FileBoxAlways for details.

Currently hpt can put only echomail into fileBoxes.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: FileBox, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.29 FileBoxAlways

FileBoxAlways <bool>

Pack to link FileBox even if link is not busy. By default outbound is used when link is not busy.

This statement can only be repeated for different links. Works only for links which have FileBox or when FileBoxesDir is set.

Next: , Previous: FileBoxAlways, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.30 Import

import <bool>
import off

By default "import on".

Same as Export, but this is for mail from link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Import, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.31 Level

level <integer>
level 200

Access level. Used in echoareas to control read/write access. By default "level 0".

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Level, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.32 Link

link <string>
link Matthias Tichy

This statement starts a new Link-definition. All the following link-related statements change the configuration of this link until a new link statement is found. <string> is the name of this link.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: Link, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.33 LinkBundleNameStyle

linkBundleNameStyle <timeStamp | addrDiff | addrDiffAlways | addrsCRC32 | addrsCRC32Always | Amiga>
linkbundleNameStyle addrDiff

This statement sets rule for creating names of arcmail bundles for link. It is similar BundleNameStyle keyword.

See BundleNameStyle.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: LinkBundleNameStyle, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.34 LinkDefaults

linkdefaults [begin | end | destroy]

This statement starts section of default definitions of links. All the following link-related statements change default configuration of link until a 'link' or 'linkdefaults end' or 'linkdefaults destroy' statement is found. All parameters collected in linkdefaults sections are copied to link configuration every time when 'link' statement found in configuration file. Link-related statements after 'linkdefaults end' or 'linkdefaults destroy' or before first 'link' or 'linkdefaults' statement are treated as error. 'linkdefaults' statement without 'begin' or 'end' means 'linkdefaults begin' 'linkdefaults destroy' destroys all default definitions.

Be careful with Pause, Export, etc. ;-)

This statement can be repeated. New definitions overwrite old ones.

Next: , Previous: LinkDefaults, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.35 LinkGrp

linkgrp <string>
linkgrp Fido

String Fido adds to AutoAreaCreateDefaults, if there is no group defined.

Links without access to group Fido can't forward requests to uplink with LinkGrp Fido.

This link can delete echo areas with -g Fido group.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: LinkGrp, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.36 LinkMsgBaseDir

linkMsgBaseDir <path>
linkMsgBaseDir /var/spool/fido/msgb

Same as MsgBaseDir, but you can set it for different links. Do not use it with LinkDefaults!

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

See MsgBaseDir.

Next: , Previous: LinkMsgBaseDir, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.37 Mandatory

mandatory <bool>
mandatory on

By default "mandatory off".

This statement do not allow the link to unsubscribe areas via areafix.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Mandatory, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.38 Manual

manual <bool>
manual on

By default "manual off".

This statement do not allow the link to subscribe areas via areafix.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Manual, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.39 NoRules

norules <bool>
norules on

By default "norules off" i.e. send rules.

This statement points to areafix to not send area rules to link when link is subscribed to area and corresponding file is found in RulesDir.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: NoRules, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.40 OptGrp

optgrp <string>[,<string> ...]
optgrp A,X,Fido

Export, Import & Mandatory restrictions uses OptGrp areas. If OptGrp not defined - the restrictions will be applied to all areas.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: OptGrp, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.41 OurAka

ourAka <addr>
ourAka 2:2433/1247

This statement sets the aka which is used for this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: OurAka, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.42 PackAka

PackAka <addr>
PackAka 2:4600/220

This statement sets the aka to which the echomail and fileechos will be sent (Pack echomail and fileechos via third link). The PackAka link used only in BSO, fileboxes and arcmail filename creation, therefore the PackAka link may not present in config.

This feature may be used for simple echomail routing.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: PackAka, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.43 Packer

packer <packer>
packer zip

This statement sets the packer for the link. You can use the packer which you has set up using the Pack statement. If you omit this statement or set Packer none no mail will be packed. The pkt´s will be stored in the outbound.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Packer, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.44 Password

password <string>
password secret

This statement sets the default password for the link. If you do not change the other passwords, they are set to this password. There is no limit for Password length except the PktPwd.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Password, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.45 Pause

pause ([on]|off|earea|farea)
pause pause earea pause

Stop export echomail, fileechoes or both for this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

See also AutoPause section.

Next: , Previous: Pause, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.46 PktSize

pktsize <integer>
pktsize 300

Maximum pkt size in kb for this link. Default - unlimited.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: PktSize, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.47 PktPwd

pktpwd [<string>]
pktpwd geheim

This statement sets the pktpassword for the actual link. Only passwords with maximal 8 characters are valid because of limitations of other software packages. An empty statement is allowed.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: PktPwd, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.48 ReducedSeenBY

ReducedSeenBY <bool>
ReducedSeenBY on

This statement turns on/off reduced seen-by algorithm (FSC-0093)

     RSB algorithm
     1) add own system to the PATH.
     2) all area links not contained in the RSB qualify as recipients.
     3) strip RSB addresses not matching an address in the PATH, then
        add own address(es) to the RSB set if not already contained.
     4) add recipients to RSB, sort RSB and forward mail to recipients.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Previous: ReducedSeenBY, Up: Link Keywords

3.4.49 RemoteRobotName

remoteRobotName <string>
remoteRobotName allfix

Set remote system "areafix" to new name. This token used when requests to subscribing/unsubscribing of new areas forwarded to this link.

This statement can only be repeated for different links.

Next: , Previous: Link Keywords, Up: Configuration Reference

3.5 Areafix Keywords

Next: , Previous: Areafix Keywords, Up: Configuration Reference

3.6 Area Definition

Next: , Previous: Area Definition, Up: Area Definition

3.6.1 BadArea

BadArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options]
BadArea badarea /var/spool/fido/msgb/bad -b Squish

This statement specifies the BadArea. Messages which have no area on your system go to the badArea. See EchoArea, for details on Options. Like all areas BadArea is *.msg base per default.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: BadArea, Up: Area Definition

3.6.2 DupeArea

dupeArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options]
dupeArea dupeArea /var/spool/fido/msgb/dupes -b Squish

This statement specifies the DupeArea. Messages which area dupes e.g. come to your system the second time, will be put in the DupeArea. See EchoArea, for details on Options. Like all areas DupeArea is *.msg base per default.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: DupeArea, Up: Area Definition

3.6.3 EchoArea

EchoArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options] [linkAKAs] [linkOptions]
EchoArea linux.develop.ger /var/spool/fido/msgb/linux.develop.ger -b Squish -a 2:2433/1247 -g A -dupeCheck move -dupehistory 11 -d "Linux development" 2:2433/1245 -def

This statement specifies the echoareas.

filename(s) for this area without extension; should be the area-tag (as far as possible). if file == Passthrough then [-b <msgbase>] is skipped and msgarea is set as an passthrough area.
Msg is standard (OPUS *.msg-base). Write Squish for an Squish-msgbase and Jam for Jam-msgbase.
aka's of up- and down links (full 4D address). you can use masks like: "*:*/*" - all downlinks from you config. This links are auto-mandatory. Always use slash in mask!


-lr <integer>
required level for read access (see also Level in link options); integer can't be negative;
-lw <integer>
required level for write access; integer can't be negative;
forbid to unsubscribe from this echo;
enable unsubscribe from this echo if echoareadefaults set -mandatory;
disallow remote subscribe (only manual connect);
allow remote subscribe (using netmail to areafix) if echoareadefaults set -manual;
-p <integer>
purge after n days: used by purging utilities like sqpack (*); default value is 0;
-$m <integer>
leave max n messages after purge in area (*); default value is 0;
do not purge or pack area (overwrites -p & -$m) (*)
enable purge or pack area (*) if echoareadefaults set -noPack;
kill read msgs in area on purging (*)
disable kill read msgs in area on purging (*) if echoareadefaults set -killRead;
keep unread msgs in area on purging (*)
do not keep unread msgs in area on purging (*) if echoareadefaults set -keepUnread;
kill messagebase of area when setting it to passthrough
do not kill messagebase when setting area to passthrough if echoareadefaults set -kill;
-a <addr>
aka to use (first address from config if not defined)
-b <msgbase type>
type of msgbase (Msg, Squish, Jam) (*)
-g <group>
group for this echoarea
keep seen-by kludges (used in CarbonCopy)
do not keep seen-by kludges (used in CarbonCopy) if echoareadefaults set -keepsb;
no seen-by kludges stores in message base (*)
seen-by kludges stores in message base (*) if echoareadefaults set -tinysb;
no seen-by & path kludges stores in message base (*)
seen-by & path kludges stores in message base (*) if echoareadefaults set -killsb;
file name of area is in dos style (8+3). Please be aware of the fact that this will currently automatically disable the autoAreaCreateSubdirs feature.
file name of area is in long filename style if echoareadefaults set -dosfile;
hide area in areafix reports (%list & etc.);
show area in areafix reports (%list & etc.) if disabled in echoareadefaults;
-d "Description for the area between double quote (like this)"
describe area (for areafix reports & etc.);
%PAUSE has no effect to this area;
%PAUSE has effect to this area if disabled in echoareadefaults;
disables carbonCopies for this area;
-noccoff or -ccon
enables carbonCopies for this area if disabled in echoareadefaults;
-DupeCheck off|move|del
toss dupes, move dupes to DupeArea or delete dupes.
-DupeHistory <unsignedInteger>
size of dupecheck history file in days (7 days if not defined);
disables reply-linking for this area (*);
enables reply-linking for this area (*) if disabled in echoareadefaults;
write debug info about this area to areaname.dbg (or common.dbg if "-dosfile" is used)
disable debug output if defined in echoareadefaults;
add seen-by(s) at tossing time;
ignore seen-by(s) and toss mail to link(s).

(*) - these tokens to be removed from AutoAreaCreateDefaults when creating passthrough areas.


default-uplink (used for area deletion, See AdvancedAreafix.)
this link is read only
this link is write only
this link is mandatory subscribed, you may also set: "<aka> -r -mn" or "<aka> -w -r" and so on...

Link Options -r -w are left for backward compatibility. We strongly recommend to use tokens ReadOnly & WriteOnly for seting permissions on arealinks.

This statement can be repeated.

3.6.4 Note.

The msgbase MSG is limited to 65536 messages. This is SMAPI implementation limit.

Next: , Previous: EchoArea, Up: Area Definition

3.6.5 EchoAreaDefaults

EchoAreaDefaults [-b <msgbase>] [Options]
EchoAreaDefaults -b Squish -a 2:280/1507 -g F -dupeCheck move -dupehistory 11 -p 14 2:280/1126

With this keyword you can specify settings that will be set for the EchoArea and LocalArea definitions that follow. It makes the echoarea definitions shorter. All echoarea settings can be used except the areaname and path.

When you specify a different value in an echoarea definition, it overrules the default setting.

With the default from the example above, an echoarea definition could be:

     EchoArea fidosoft.husky /var/spool/fido/msgb/fidosoft.husky -d "husky
     develpment" 2:280/6207
     This will internally be expanded to:
     EchoArea fidosoft.husky /var/spool/fido/msgb/fidosoft.husky -d "husky
     develpment" -b Squish -a 2:280/1507 -g F -dupeCheck move -dupehistory 11
     -p 14 2:280/1126 2:280/6207

Another example:

     EchoArea evolution /var/spool/fido/msgb/evolution -d "about fantasies" -p 100
     that will be expanded to:
     EchoArea evolution /var/spool/fido/msgb/evolution -d "about fantasies"
     -b Squish -a 2:280/1507 -g F -dupeCheck move -dupehistory 11 -p 100

As you will notice, the default settings are combined with the additional settings in the EchoArea definition, and the messages are purged after 100 days instead of 14 (the default).

This statement can be repeated.

An EchoAreaDefults setting is valid until a next EchoAreaDefaults setting. EchoAreaDefaults can also be switched off with an empty definition:

     EchoAreaDefaults [OFF]

The word 'OFF' is not needed but makes it more readable.

Next: , Previous: EchoAreaDefaults, Up: Area Definition

3.6.6 LocalArea

localArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options]
localArea linux.develop.ger /var/spool/fido/msgb/linux.develop.ger -b Squish -a 2:2433/1247 -dupeCheck move -dupehistory 11 -d "Linux development"

This statement creates an LocalArea. The only difference between a LocalArea and an EchoArea is that a LocalArea has no links and is not scanned for new mails.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: LocalArea, Up: Area Definition

3.6.7 NetArea

NetArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options]
NetArea netmail /var/spool/fido/msgb/netmail -b Squish

See NetMailArea.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: NetArea, Up: Area Definition

3.6.8 NetMailArea

NetmailArea <name> <file> [-b <msgbase>] [Options]
NetmailArea netmail /var/spool/fido/msgb/netmail -b Squish

This statement specifies the NetMailArea. See EchoArea, for details on Options. Like all areas NetmailAreas is *.msg bases per default.

This statement can be repeated to use different netmailareas.

See NetArea.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: NetMailArea, Up: Area Definition

3.6.9 ReadOnly

ReadOnly <addressMask> <areaMask>
ReadOnly 2:5021/19.* tver.sysop*

This statement set link(s) to readonly for specified ares(s). If you write node address do it *without* trailing .0!

If areaMask begins with '!' symbol it means that links won't be set readonly for areas that match areaMask

     	ReadOnly 2:5021/19.* tver.sysop*
     	ReadOnly 2:5021/19.1 !tver.sysop*
     	ReadOnly 2:5021/19.2 !tver.sysop.talks

It means that all points if 2:5021/19 set r/o for tver.sysop* areas except 2:5021/19.1 for all areas and 2:5021/19.2 can write only to tver.sysop.talks from tver.sysop* areagroup

This statement can be repeated.

Previous: ReadOnly, Up: Area Definition

3.6.10 WriteOnly

WriteOnly <addressMask> <areaMask>
WriteOnly 2:5021/19.* NobodyReadArea

This statement set link(s) to writeonly for specified ares(s). If you write node address do it *without* trailing .0!

This statement can be repeated.

Previous: Area Definition, Up: Configuration Reference

3.7 Carbon Copy

Next: , Previous: Carbon Copy, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.1 CarbonAddr

carbonAddr <addr>
carbonAddr 2:5000/100
carbonCopy mail.from.100

If an echomail is tossed whose from address field is the same as <addr>, the echomail is copied to the area specified by the carbonCopy keyword.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonAddr, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.2 CarbonAndQuit

carbonAndQuit <bool>

By default one message can be processed by Carbon Copy several times. For example: you set CarbonTo "max" to echoarea MY.MAIL and CarbonSubj "beer" to echoarea MY.PLEASURE :-) And message to "max" with this subject line carbons to each EchoArea.

If you turn on CarbonAndQuit message will be copyed to MY.MAIL only.

It is however possible to override this setting, by putting an '*' before the action:

          CarbonCopy *my.mail
          CarbonMove *my.mail
          CarbonExtern *<command line>

This '*' does not work for CarbonDelete of course.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonAndQuit, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.3 CarbonCopy

carbonCopy <area-tag>
carbonCopy written.from.points

This statement sets the area for the previous carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

If no EchoArea defined to copy, the carbon msgs goes to the BadArea.

This statement can be placed after different carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statements.

See CarbonMove.

Next: , Previous: CarbonCopy, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.4 CarbonDelete


This statement specifies that selected by previous carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement msgs should not be stored into EchoArea.

This statement can be repeated for each different carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

Next: , Previous: CarbonDelete, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.5 CarbonExcludeFwdFrom

CarbonExcludeFwdFrom <bool>

Don't add to begin of carbon msg text " * Forward from area <areatag>"

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonExcludeFwdFrom, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.6 CarbonExtern

carbonExtern <program name and arguments>
carbonExtern douuedecode

This statement specifies external program to run for the previous carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement. The space char and filename of the text file with message is appended into end of string.

If this statement is ommitted and no EchoArea defined for move or copy, the carbon msgs gets copyed to the BadArea.

If program name is prepended with '|' sign, hpt tries to pass data thru the pipe, not temporary file.

This statement can be repeated for each different carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

See NetmailExtern.

3.7.7 Message file

Before execute the program hpt creates temporary text file and store message into. Message format is:

Area: (areatag)
From: (originator's name and address)
To:   (destination's name and address)
Date: (message date and time)
Subject: (message subject)
(empty line)
(message text: multiline, contain all kludges, tearline, origin & etc.)

Next: , Previous: CarbonExtern, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.8 CarbonFrom

carbonFrom <pattern>
carbonFrom Matthias Tichy
carbonCopy my.echomail

If an echomail is tossed whose from-field matched the pattern <pattern>, the echomail is copied to the area specified by the CarbonCopy keyword or moved to the area specified by the CarbonMove keyword. The names must be an exact match.

You can enclose <string> into quotes ("<string>").

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonFrom, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.9 CarbonFromArea

CarbonFromArea <pattern>
CarbonFromArea Interuser

Only messages that are written in this areas will be copied. Use it in combination with CarbonRule to prevent that all messages from an area are copied.

See CarbonRule.

Another example:

     CarbonFromArea Interuser
     CarbonRule NOT
     CarbonText " Israel "
     CarbonCopy my.news

<pattern> is the mask for area name, defined after EchoArea or NetMailArea.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonFromArea, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.10 CarbonGroups

carbonGroups <string> [,<string>...]
carbonGroups Fido, LifeNet
carbonCopy my.echomail

With this keyword you can define from which groups messages should be copied. It is wise when you use this keyword together with other selection criteria or else the result will give many messages.

See CarbonRule.

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonGroups, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.11 CarbonKeepSb

carbonKeepSb <bool>

For each CC message SEEN-BY's and PATH fields are killed. If you set up CarbonKeepSb then all kludges will be saved. But you may also set up -keepsb in options of EchoArea where you carbon messages.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonKeepSb, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.12 CarbonKludge

carbonKludge <pattern>
carbonKludge MSGID: 2:5000/117.
carbonCopy written.by.points

If an echomail is tossed which has a kludge line which includes the substring matches <pattern>, the echomail is copied to the area specified by the CarbonCopy keyword.

You can enclose <pattern> into quotes ("<pattern>").

     carbonKludge "REPLY: 2:5000/117 "

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonKludge, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.13 CarbonMove

carbonMove <area-tag>
carbonMove my.echomail

This statement sets the area for the previous carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

If no EchoArea defined to copy (or move), the carbon msgs goes to the BadArea.

Unlike CarbonCopy msg gets moved, not copied into this area.

This statement can be placed after different carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statements.

See CarbonCopy.

Next: , Previous: CarbonMove, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.14 CarbonOut

carbonOut <bool>

This statement makes possible carbon your outgoing mail (scanned & packed). Don't forget to set carbon rules.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonOut, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.15 CarbonReason

carbonReason <string>
carbonText msged
carbonReason Found 'msged' in message
carbonCopy my.searches.echo

This statement sets the 'reason string' for the previous carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

This string would be printed after ' * Forwarded ...' line in message begining. That's useful when many carbons are made to single area. No reason string is printed if this statement is ommitted.

This statement can be repeated for each different carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

Next: , Previous: CarbonReason, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.16 CarbonRule

carbonRule AND|NOT|OR
carbonGroups fido
carbonRule AND
carbonText programming
carbonCopy my.echomail

With this keyword you can make it possible to have more than 1 selection criteria for a message. The default rule is AND. So without using CarbonRule, all expressions will be AND-ed. With Carbonrule AND, the two expressions above and below the AND must be true or else a message will not be copied. With Carbonrule you can define how the expressions are joined together.

CarbonRule NOT, is in fact AND NOT. So

             CarbonText beatles
             CarbonRule NOT
             CarbonText bugs
             CarbonCopy my.mail

...will only copy messages when 'beatles' is in the text AND NOT 'bugs' in the text.

In general, it is possible to define more than one set of rules for 1 single carbonArea. For example:

             CarbonText female
             CarbonRule NOT
             CarbonText connector
             CarbonRule OR
             CarbonSubj beer
             CarbonRule AND
             CarbonText drink
             CarbonText holliday
             CarbonCopy my.mail

Here are two sets of criteria and for all of them there is only 1 carbonarea defined. After an OR, a new set of expressions start. The above example can also be written as:

             CarbonRule NOT
             CarbonText connector
             CarbonRule AND
             CarbonText female
             CarbonRule OR
             CarbonRule AND
             CarbonSubj beer
             CarbonText drink
             CarbonText holliday
             CarbonCopy my.mail

Messages that have 'female' in the text, but not the word 'connector', will be copied to the my.mail area.

Also messages with 'beer' in the text AND 'drink' in the text AND 'holliday' in the text, will be copied to the my.mail area.

A set of expressions is true when they are OR-ed and at least one of them is true.

A set of expressions is true when they are AND-ed and ALL of them are true. Expressions are evaluated from top to bottom.

This statement can be repeated.

A CarbonRule is valid until a next rule is defined of until an action. After an action (CarbonCopy, CarbonMove, etc), the CarbonRule is AND again and new set of expressions starts.

Next: , Previous: CarbonRule, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.17 CarbonSubj

carbonSubj <pattern>
carbonSubj beer
carbonCopy cc.beer

If an echomail is tossed which has a subject line matched <pattern>, this echomail is copied to the area specified by the CarbonCopy keyword or moved to the area specified by the CarbonMove keyword. You can enclose <pattern> into quotes ("<pattern>").

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonSubj, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.18 CarbonText

carbonText <pattern>
carbonText cool beer
carbonCopy cc.beer

If an echomail is tossed which has a kludge line which includes the substring matches <pattern>, the echomail is copied to the area specified by the CarbonCopy keyword or moved to the area specified by the CarbonMove keyword.

You can enclose <pattern> into quotes ("<pattern>").

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonText, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.19 CarbonTo

carbonTo <pattern>
carbonTo Max Levenkov
carbonCopy my.echomail

If an echomail is tossed whose to-field matched <pattern>, the echomail is copied to the area specified by the CarbonCopy keyword or moved to the area specified by the CarbonMove keyword. The names must be an exact match.

You can enclose <pattern> into quotes ("<pattern>").

This statement can be repeated.

Next: , Previous: CarbonTo, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.20 ExcludePassthroughCarbon

excludePassthroughCarbon <bool>

Don't carbon from passthrough areas.

This statement cannot be repeated.

Previous: ExcludePassthroughCarbon, Up: Carbon Copy

3.7.21 NetmailExtern

netmailExtern <command>
netmailExtern douuedecode

This statement specifies external program to run for the previous carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement for netmail messages...

If this statement is ommitted and no NetMailArea defined for move or copy, the carbon msgs gets copyed to the BadArea.

If command is prepended with '|' sign, hpt tries to pass data thru the pipe, not temporary file.

Before execution the <command> a space char and filename of the text file with message is appended into end of string.

This statement can be repeated for each different carbon{Addr|To|From|Kludge|Subj|Text} statement.

See CarbonExtern.

3.7.22 Message file

Before execute the program hpt creates temporary text file and store message into. Message format is:

Area: (areatag)
From: (originator's name and address)
To:   (destination's name and address)
Date: (message date and time)
Subject: (message subject)
(empty line)
(message text: multiline, contain all kludges, tearline, origin & etc.)

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4 Advanced Concepts in HPT

This chapter describes how to use some features... After you have managed to perform basic functions with HPT, like defining paths & areas, this chapter will introduce you into some advanced concepts in HPT that deserve special attention, like how to use several netmail areas and similar.

Next: , Previous: Advanced Concepts, Up: Advanced Concepts

4.1 HPT Exit Codes

0 - successful termination
64 - command line usage error
66 - cannot open input (file)
69 - service unavailable [config file not found]
70 - internal software error [not enough memory, etc.]
73 - can't create (user) output file [lockfile]
74 - input/output error
75 - temp failure; user is invited to retry [lockfile used by second copy of hpt]
78 - configuration error

Next: , Previous: Exit, Up: Advanced Concepts

4.2 Renaming Suffixes For Pkt Files

.tos - hpt crashes on this pkt, report to developers!
.sec - a) pktpwd problem or link not found; b) bundles in unsecure inbound
.acs - could not open pkt
.bad - a) not/wrong pkt; b) bundle unpacking problems
.ntu - not to us
.err - msg tossing problem (couldn't open badArea/couldn't write msg)
.flt - perl filter (process_pkt()) returns bad retcode

Next: , Previous: Suffixes, Up: Advanced Concepts

4.3 Defining Several Netmail Areas For Several Users

If you want receive netmail for one address in first netmail area, and for second address in second netmail area respectively, you must add -a <ourAka> to netmail area, like this:

Address 2:5000/117
Address 2:90/190
NetmailArea NetMail /home/ml/fido/msgb/netmail -b squish -a 2:5000/117
NetmailArea OtherNetMail /home/ml/fido/msgb/othernetmail -b squish -a 2:90/190

Next: , Previous: Netmail, Up: Advanced Concepts

4.4 hpt ZoneGating implementation for echomail

We have EchoArea with links from zone1 & zone2. Echo->useAka with zone2. Defined by "-a <addr>" or the by the first Echo->address from config if not defined in EchoArea line.

Program algorythm:

initialize an array of SEEN-BY arrays (key = zone number, value = array of SEEN-BYs for this zone)
Read SEEN-BYs & PATH from message
Assign read SEEN-BYs to an array of SEEN-BY arrays with zone = pktOrigAddr.zone
Add SEEN-BYs from AddToSeen & -sbadd. See AddToSeen.
Build an array of downlinks for this echo. Links which present in SEEN-BYs are skipped (except ones defined in IgnoreSeen or -sbign), link with AKA == pktOrigAddr is also skipped. Link with zone:net/node equal to our AKA is not skipped (we can be point and shall send message to our boss).
Add all links to an array of SEEN-BY arrays
Add all our AKAs to an array of SEEN-BY arrays
Forward message to all links. Eacho link will have our AKA from corresponding Link->ourAka in PATH. Each link will get SEEN-BYs only for his zone.

Previous: ZoneGating, Up: Advanced Concepts

4.5 Perl support in HPT

HPT may be compiled with support for calling Perl subs in some parts of its work. In this case it also provides API for such subs (Perl hooks). Perl subs are located in file filter.pl, which usually located in same directory as HPT's executable file but it's name and location may changed via HptPerlFile configuration option. The following Perl hooks are supported:

after_unpack - called after unpacking an echomail bundle to TempInbound
before_pack - called before packing echomail bundle to one of links
process_pkt - called before processing pkt, the following variables available:
$pktname - name of pkt,
$secure - defined if this pkt from secure link
hook must return "" for normal pkt processing or other string to rename pkt to .flt
pkt_done - called after pkt processing, the following variables available:
$pktname - name of pkt,
$rc - exit code(0-ok),
$res - reason(exit code in text form):
0 - OK ($res undefined),
1 - Security violation,
2 - Can't open pkt,
3 - Bad pkt format,
4 - Not to us,
5 - Msg tossing problem

hpt_exit - called before hpt completely exit if any other Perl hook was called during this session.
route - called just before routing netmail message, the following variables availble:
$addr - message destination address,
$from - message originating address,
$toname - destination user name,
$fromname - originating user name,
$subject - message subject line,
$date - message date and time,
$text - message text,
$attr - message attributes,
$route - default route for this message (derermined
via Route statements in config file (may be empty, this means that either no route at all for this message or it will be routed via one-to-multi routing(Route normal noroute 2:5004/73.*)).

Before return you can set $flavour - to hold|normal|crash|direct|immediate for required flavour of message. return "" for default routing or address via which this message should be sent. example:

            sub route {
              if ($from eq "2:5004/75.73") return "2:5004/75.0";
              else return "";

if source address of message is 2:5004/75.73 then route it via 2:5004/75, otherwise route it using default routing

scan - called while scanning messages (hpt scan or hpt pack). The following variables available:
$fromname - originating user name,
$fromaddr - message originating address,
$toname - destination user name,
$toaddr - message destination address (for netmail),
$area - message area (for echomail),
$subject - message subject line,
$date - message date and time,
$text - message text,
$attr - message attributes.
Set $change to update $text, $subject, $fromaddr, $toaddr, $fromname, $toname, $attr. If returns non-empty string (reason), the message will not pack to downlinks.
filter - called for processing every message while tossing. The following variables available:
$fromname - originating user name,
$fromaddr - message originating address,
$toname - destination user name,
$toaddr - message destination address (for netmail),
$area - message area (for echomail),
$subject - message subject line,
$date - message date and time,
$text - message text,
$attr - message attributes,
$pktfrom - address of originating pkt,
$secure - defined if the message received from secure link.
Set $change to update $text, $subject, $fromaddr, $toaddr, $fromname, $toname, $attr. Set $kill for kill message. If returns non-empty string (reason), the message will be moved to badarea.
tossbad - called when message will be put in badArea. The following variables available:
$fromname - originating user name,
$fromaddr - message originating address,
$toname - destination user name,
$toaddr - message destination address (for netmail),
$area - message area (for echomail),
$subject - message subject line,
$date - message date and time,
$text - message text,
$attr - message attributes,
$pktfrom - address of originating pkt,
$reason - reason, why badarea (text string).
Set $change to update $text, $subject, $fromaddr, $toaddr, $fromname, $toname, $attr. If returns non-empty string (reason) for kill the message.

Previous: Advanced Concepts, Up: Top

Appendix A Configuration File Keyword Index