Error Reporting Functions

To simplify error reporting and handling, the Db class offers several useful methods.


Equivalent methods exist for informational messages. See the set_msgcall(), set_msgfile(), set_msgpfx(), and msg() methods for details.

In addition, you can use the db_strerror() function to directly return the error string that corresponds to a particular error number.

For example, to send all error messages for a given database handle to a callback for handling, first create your callback. Do something like this:

 * Function called to handle any database error messages
 * issued by DB. 
my_error_handler(const DbEnv *dbenv, const char *error_prefix,
	const char *msg)
   * Put your code to handle the error prefix and error
   * message here. Note that one or both of these parameters
   * may be NULL depending on how the error message is issued
   * and how the DB handle is configured.

And then register the callback as follows:

#include <db_cxx.h>

Db db(NULL, 0);
std::string dbFileName("my_db.db");

    // Set up error handling for this database

And to issue an error message:

    // Open the database, dbFileName.c_str(), NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, 0);
    // Must catch both DbException and std::exception
    catch(DbException &e)
        db.err(e.get_errno(), "Database open failed %s", 
        throw e;
    catch(std::exception &e)
        // No DB error number available, so use errx
        db.errx("Error opening database: %s", e.what());
        throw e;