db get

db get
	[-partial {doff dlen}]
	[-txn txnid]

db get
	[-partial {doff dlen}]
	[-txn txnid]
	key data  

The db get command returns key/data pairs from the database.

In the presence of duplicate key values, db get will return all duplicate items. Duplicates are sorted by insert order except where this order has been overridden by cursor operations.

The options are as follows:

If the underlying database is a Queue or Recno database, the given key will be interpreted by Tcl as an integer. For all other database types, the key is interpreted by Tcl as a byte array, unless indicated by a given option.

A list of key/data pairs is returned. In the error case that no matching key exists, an empty list is returned. In all other cases, a Tcl error is thrown.