
#include <db.h>

DB_ENV->fileid_reset(DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *file, u_int32_t flags);  

The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method allows database files to be copied, and then the copy used in the same database environment as the original.

All databases contain an ID string used to identify the database in the database environment cache. If a physical database file is copied, and used in the same environment as another file with the same ID strings, corruption can occur. The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method creates new ID strings for all of the databases in the physical file.

The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method modifies the physical file, in-place. Applications should not reset IDs in files that are currently in use.

The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method may be called at any time during the life of the application.

The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method is a non-atomic operation. If the operation fails, it is possible for the copied database to be in an inconsistent state.

The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.



The name of the physical file in which new file IDs are to be created.


The flags parameter must be set to 0 or the following value:


    The file contains encrypted databases.


The DB_ENV->fileid_reset() method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:


An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.



See Also

Database Environments and Related Methods